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submitted by latestnewshb to Quran [link] [comments]

Proving that the Prophet PBUH did split the moon

I have been wanting to make this post for a long time.
I saw a muslim sibling on reddit discussing with a non-muslim regarding the splitting of the moon. The non-muslim said that we muslims have no evidence nor historical records of the moon splitting and our muslim sibling replied with saying that we muslims don't truly believe that the moon was split, we believe that it is metaphorical and not literal.
I do not blame them, as they may not have come across substantial proof in order to refute the non-muslim.
For this reason, I wanted to show fellow muslims the top 4 (of what I call) evidence that the moon was split by the Prophet. But before that, context:
How did the Miracle of the Splitting of the Moon occur?
The miracle of the splitting of the moon occurred before the migration to Medina (2) upon the demands of the polytheists with the permission of God and it was shown by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as narrated by many companions like Anas b. Malik (3), Hz. Ali, Huzayfa b. Yaman (4), Abdullah b. Mas’ud (5), Abdullah b. Abbas (6), Abdullah b. Umar (7), Abdullah b. Amr b. As (8), Jubayr b. Mut’im (9) (May Allah be pleased with all of them). (10)
Among Quraish polytheists, Walid b. Mughira, Abu Jahl. As b. Wail, As b. Hisham, Aswad b. Abdi Yaghus, Aswad b. Muttalib, Zama b. Aswad, Nadr b. Harith and others (11) said to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
“If you truly are a Prophet that has been appointed by Allah, then split the moon in half. Let it be in such a way that one half will appear over the Mount Abu Qubais and the other half will be seen over Mount Quayqian.”
The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked: “If I do it, will you become Muslims?”
The polytheists answered: “Yes, we will.”
On the 14th night, when it was full moon, the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wanted Almighty Allah to give him the miracle which the polytheists demanded from him. (12)
When the Gabriel (AS) informed the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that God had accepted his prayer, he announced it to the Meccans. The polytheists witnessed the splitting of the moon on the 14th night. (13)
When Almighty God let the moon split in half, one half standing over Mount Abu Qubais and the other half over Mount Quayqian, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shouted at Muslims:
“O Abu Salama b. Abdulasad! Arqam b. Abi’l Erqam! Bear witness! (14)
And to the polytheists, he said, “Bear witness! So and so! (15)
However, the polytheists said “This is one of the spells of Abu Kabsha’s Son.” (16) “The son of Abu Kabsha cast a spell on you!” (17) They said “Muhammad cast a spell on us!” (18)
Some of them also said:
“If Muhammad had cast a spell on us then (19), He couldn’t have cast a spell on everyone! (20) Let us ask the wayfarers who came from the surrounding areas (21) if they saw what we saw.” (21)
They asked the people who came from every everywhere. (22-23)
“Yes! We also did see the moon in that state! We saw the moon as split! They informed that the moon was split. Among the people who came from everywhere and seen the moon split, there was no one who had not informed them about it. (24)
However, the polytheists rejected to be Muslims and to believe by saying: “This is a prevalent magic!” (25), they said “Abu Talib’s orphan affected the sky with his spell!” (26).
Now onto the proofs
Proof no.4: NASA
This is one of my evidence but it does have its criticisms hence it is my no.4 evidence. Brothers and sisters I highly recommend you see through this sideshow as the evidence by NASA has a lot of information that I cannot do it justice by writing it in this post:
According to muslim researchers, there are proofs of the splitting of the moon in pictures of the moon taken by NASA's missions.
After Apollo mission photographs were published of Rima Ariadaeus, the 300 km-long rift line on the surface of the Moon,[16] it was suggested by Muslims on some internet sites that this was result of the splitting mentioned in the Quran.
The surface of the moon is replete with long channels or grooves that continue to create unsolved puzzles and contradictions for geologists. Every traditional theory, when tested against photographic evidence, has failed. Planetary scientists often say that it was formed by molten lava and they draw comparisons to lava channels in Hawaii. But the differences between the two are so profound as to render such comparisons meaningless.
Rima Ariadaeus is the rille that is usually referred to as the scar of the split that happened as a miracle of the Prophet PBUH, show clearly that it's a relatively small scar on the face of the moon and doesn't extend across the length of the moon as one would expect.
In 2010, NASA scientist Brad Bailey was asked about this and replied "My recommendation is to not believe everything you read on the internet. Peer-reviewed papers are the only scientifically valid sources of information out there. No current scientific evidence reports that the Moon was split into two (or more) parts and then reassembled at any point in the past."
Does this mean the split never happen? Does that disprove the miracle?
Even though the pictures can not be used as a strong evidence of the miracle that happened in the 7th century A.D. yet there's still no conclusive explanation to the origins of the structures in question.
Proof no.3: Authenticated Hadiths
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The moon split when we were with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and it became two separate pieces. The Prophet said to us, “Bear witness. Bear witness.”
In another narration, Ibn Mas’ud said, “A piece was behind the mountain and another piece was below it.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4584, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2800 Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ مَسْعُودٍ قَالَ انْشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ وَنَحْنُ مَعَ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَصَارَ فِرْقَتَيْنِ فَقَالَ لَنَا اشْهَدُوا اشْهَدُوا وفي رواية أخرى قال ابن مسعود فَكَانَتْ فِلْقَةٌ وَرَاءَ الْجَبَلِ وَفِلْقَةٌ دُونَهُ 4584 صحيح البخاري كتاب تفسير القرآن سورة اقتربت الساعة باب وانشق القمر وإن يروا آية يعرضوا 2800 صحيح مسلم كتاب صفة القيامة والجنة والنار باب انشقاق القمر
Muttafaqun Alayi: When the Hadith Masters use this term, it means that the Hadith in question is found in both books; Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim, on the authority of the same Sahabi (radiyallahu’anhu) even if there exists variation in the wording.
Authenticated hadiths are a good historical record as Al-Bukhari used rigorous means to verify and authenticate the hadiths. To us muslims, these are substantial pieces of record that prove the event of the moon splitting.
Proof no.2: Other historical records
The Mayans may have recorded the miracle!
At the top of page 139 in the 1997 Maya Hieroglyphic Forum, the dot and bar numbers have been inserted as corrections for the tops of the other columns (missing in V and K's works). On the basis of the number sequences, the date of the first (and, what I am surmising, was the original change) is or the Gregorian date of 9 February 623 (the Julian date calculated the 6th of February, that same year).
But, if one reads the Rabbit and the Mirror, one will see, that not only was the rabbit a new addition to the home of the moon goddess, but also the cosmic tree (probably the Milky Way) was new. Being held up to the mirror, the rabbit is shown where it was then (now) located, not how it was born. In agreement with that statement is vase K2772. It shows the same three women as in the so-called birth scene, but instead of a pregnant woman with two midwives, it shows that the palace of the moon is being shaken by a quake, indicated by the same "question mark" curls found in the ears of the split-faced moon rabbit and identified by Eric Thompson as a symbol of the Moon Goddess glyphs. This "quake" or catastrophe is well recorded world-wide, even in Peru as the Rebellion of the Artifacts.The rabbit arrives later to view, in the mirror, the new star arrangement of the skies
The rabbit replaced the monkey (possibly the old north star?) As the records of time and became a very important figure with the same split face of the moon, with a the same question mark curl in each ear. And later (K1491) where the rabbit waits for the monkey to finish his final work.
Edit: A brother has pointed out that the picture in the mayalords website doesn't resemble typical mayan hieroglyphs.
Upon further research, K1208 comes up in this appendix and this document shows other similar images. With K1208, I would recommend looking up K5166, K1398 and K1491.
K1208 also shows up here as a picture on a vase. At page 282, you can see the exact image as the one on the website.
Indians may have also seen the miracle too!
Of interest in relation to the moon splitting an Indian historical manuscript (India Office Library, London, manuscript #2807/152-173), which says that this incident was observed by the Indian king of Malibar, Chakrawati Farmas- was the starting point of Islam spreading to India. It was also mentioned in the book "Muhammad Rasulullah," by M. Hamidullah.
On a moon-lit night the Indian King Chakrawati, while walking on the rooftop of his palace along with the queen saw the moon suddenly splitting into two halves. Later he came to know through Arab traders that a prophet called Muhammad PBUH had wrought a miracle on that fateful night and sundered the moon before the crowd of dazed spectators.
Learning on inquiry that there was a prediction of the coming if a Messenger of God from Arabia, he appointed his son as regent and set out to meet him. He embraced Islam at the hand of the Prophet.
The king died on his way back to India but wrote letters to the local rulers of Malabar to "help construct mosques at Kodungallur and elsewhere". The rulers of Kerala honoured his wishes and built mosques in the early 7th century, one of them being Cheraman Malik Masjid at Kodungallur, said to be one of the oldest in the sub-continent.
Travellers from Syria and Yemen also witnessed the splitting of the moon that night!
Narrated by Anas ibn Malik (Al-Bukhari)
"The Makkan people requested Allah's messenger to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon.
At this point, some of the wise men explained that magic could only affect the attendees whereas it cannot maintain influence on everybody in general. They waited for travellers who were coming back from their journeys. The pagans hurried up to the borders of Mecca in anticipation to meet the travellers.
When the first arrivals appeared, they asked them did you see anything extraordinary happened to the moon?
The travellers answered 'yes, on one night we saw the moon splitting into two parts which remained asunder for some time then reattached.'
Upon this statement, a number of the group believed while the rest remained pagans.
But I have heard people say, "this is hocus pocus, if Muhammad PBUH did split the moon, then why didnt the Europeans record it? After all, the Roman empire was still around. It's hard to believe that if the moon was split, why more people wouldn't record such phenomena"
This is easily explained with this case study:
At the beginning of the 20th century, people lived with the well-established idea of a static universe where the motion of stars never varies. This is probably due to Aristotle's teachings, stating that the sky is immutable, unlike Earth, which is perishable. This idea caused a historical anomaly:
in 1054, the Chinese noticed the appearance of new light in the sky, but no European document mentions it!
Yet it could be seen in full daylight and lasted for several weeks.
It was a supernova, that is, a dying star, the remnants of which can still be seen as the Crab Nebula. Predominant thought in Europe prevented people from accepting a phenomenon that so utterly contradicted the idea of an unchanging sky. A supernova is a very rare event, which can only be observed by the naked eye once a century. The most recent one dates back to 1987. So Aristotle was almost right in thinking that the sky was unchanging - on the scale of a human life at least.
This article can be found here:
If the Europeans were unwilling to document a supernova in 1054, what makes you think they would be even more willing to document in the 7th century?
Subhan'Allah, we are now at our last proof of the splitting of the moon:
Proof no.1: The Qur'an
Almighty God mentions this miracle in the chapter of al-Qamar 1-5 as follows:
“The hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and The moon is cleft asunder.
But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say "This is (but) transient magic."
They reject (the warning) and follow their (own) lusts but every matter has its appointed time.
There have already come to them Recitals wherein there is (enough) to check (them),
Mature wisdom― but (the preaching of) Warners profits them not.” (27)
How does this show that the miracle occurred?
Well, the Quran is telling us that the moon was split, but the disbelievers said that it was magic.
Remember, this verse wasn't preached once, recorded and never preached again. The Prophet repeatedly preached this exact verse to his followers and the non-muslims for decades. The non-muslims never refuted this verse!
The people that aren't even muslims, the paganists, NEVER SAID THAT THE MOON WASN'T SPLIT!!!!!
Even Al-Tabari, the one who wrote down whatever rumour he heard, the one who wrote down about the rumours of the Satanic Verses, NEVER wrote down anywhere that the pagans did not see the moon split.
The pagans saw the moon split and said "oh, it's just MAGIC!"
Never did they say "huh? A split moon? Never occured. Fake news"
Subhan'Allah, the biggest proof of the moon splitting isn't even from the muslims, but the non-muslims. They are the ones who authenticated the verse by claiming Allah did not allow Muhammad PBUH to split the moon, Muhammad PBUH performed magic! They are the witnesses of the miracles!
Allahu Akbar! The Qur'an is the biggest miracle and historical record we have of the moon splitting!
The Holy Quran is a miracle by itself, and a book full of all sorts of miracles. We as muslims should wholeheartedly have faith in the Quran and not attempt to explain scientific miracles of the Quran in a way that does harm the credibility of the holy book.
There is no need to exaggerate certain evidences to make them fit some facts mentioned in the Quran.
Until recently, a lot of the scientific facts in the Quran were in contradiction with the scientific theories at the time. Yet this never meant that the science is right and the Quran was wrong.
In many cases, new discoveries proved the old theories wrong and the Quran right (like the expansion of the universe for example.)
In other cases, our interpretation of the Quranic verses was wrong.
Either way, as a Muslim, the Quran's credibility is above any doubt. So as Muslims, hold the Quran over your own beliefs as nothing is as perfect as the Holy Quran.
I hope you found this interesting. Insha'Allah these are enough proofs of the miracle.
Edit: I just want to clarify as people in the comments have rightfully brought up:
Thank you to all who have replied. I am grateful that you have taken the time to read this.
I just want to clarify, I intended to write this post mainly for my muslim brothers and sisters. This miracle is one of the miracles that is associated with the Prophet PBUH but I know that a lot of muslims may have a hard time believing in its authenticity.
If I could make non-muslims interested in the deen, that would be great Alhamdulillah. However, this post is not directed at non-muslims, hence I used a lot of islamic articles as my target audience was my fellow brothers and sisters.
Insha'Allah, what I call proofs may not be proofs for many, including muslims but for me, these are the reasons in why I believe that the moon splitting miracle is authentic and real.
Take care and have a great day, salam!
Not only that, but many people have asked and enquired about the historical records from other civilisations and its validity, as well as why I even included proof no.4 when NASA themselves have said that they don't believe the moon was split in the past. Here is a comment I made that will address these concerns:
submitted by lamyea01 to islam [link] [comments]

A-Z of some sexist issues men face

This is NOT to play opression olympics. This is just to show there are some issues, that usually are not discussed, highlighted or mocked. Yes some of these are kind of funny examples, but hey we have seen don't manspread while running, air conditioning is sexist against women and icebergs are sexist so here goes:

Academia - typically conforms to patriarchy-adherent male-blaming dogma[1]
Addiction – men suffer more than women, partly due to extra stresses faced[2]
Aeroplanes – only men are not permitted to sit next to unaccompanied minors[3]
Alcohol – a man can be prosecuted if a woman gets drunk then cries rape[4]
Alimony - disproportionately targets men, even when women main earners[5]
Anonymity - after rape/DV claims, men publicly named without evidence[6]
Anorexia - blamed on male gaze. Death-rate inflated 3000 fold by victim-fems[7]
Anti-male shaming tactics – typical ways men demanding equality get attacked[8]
BBC bias –world's largest broadcaster uses male-blaming victim-femalism[9]
Birth certificates – father's name not legally required to be listed[9.5]
Boxing – men must fight 12x3 minute rounds, women, only 10x2[10]
Campus rape hysteria – yet funded 'hotlines' receiving virtually no calls[11]
Cancer – men with cancer treated less effectively than women[12]
Charities – often exaggerating female victim statistics for financial gain[14]
Child abuse- men typically shown as perpetrators - women kill & abuse more[15]
Childbirth – its risks exaggerated (as excuse to block men's equality debates)[16]
Child custody cases – 7% of UK fathers allowed to live with their children[17]
Chivalry – men placating women and dismissing men's equality issues[18]
Circumcision – only legal when males are being mutilated[19]
Civilization – 90% of patents awarded to men, yet men portrayed negatively[20],[21]
Clip joints – women lure men into clubs to be extorted by threats of violence[22]
Combat deaths – usually male. Female soldiers paid same, but kept safer[23]
Conscription – men enslaved for longer, & only men forced onto front line[24]
Contraception – women have several effective options, men barely one[25]
Commuting – men travel further than women to get to work[26]
Dating protocols – most women still expect money and gifts from men[27]
'Deadbeat Dads' criticized, though non-custodial moms even worst payers[28]
Death jobs – 95% of workplace fatalities are of men[29]
Discrimination laws written with female focus, so sex-discriminatory their self[30]
Disease – men get more of most, but less funding, and less treatment[31]
Doctor's surgery hours – less opportunity for working men to visit GP[32]
Domestic violence arrest policies remove man only[33]
Domestic violence shelters for women and their children, but not men[34]
Domestically violent women use more arms, poison, surprise & premeditation[35]
Dominance – men portrayed as controlling, but research find women boss men[36]
Double standards of female-only equality advocacy across issues[37]
Dress codes - Neck-ties typically compulsory for male employees only[38]
Drinks spiking myth – media creating more rape hysteria– yet no evidence[39]
Driving – men are more often the family chauffeur than women[40]
Driving Skills – men denigrated, but per mile, safer drivers than women[41]
Earnings – women earn more per hour of work-related activity than men[42](go to Neil Cuvuto show link at hyperlinked page)
Equality agencies - actively exclude reference to men and men's equality issues[43]
Engagement gifts – men only still expected to purchase diamonds etc[44]
Environment – men typically blamed for causing pollution[44.5]
European Union – complies with victim-female strategic frames and focus[pending]
Executions – men disproportionately targeted by governments for death[46]
False allegations epidemic, covered up by mainstream media and v-feminists[47]
False allegations against men rarely prosecuted, but instead 'no crimed'[48]
Fatherlessness – bad on every measure, yet encouraged by some feminists[49]
Fathers - disproportionately denied access to children[50]
Fees – UK parents pay for daughters' further education more than for sons'[pending]
Female revenge rhetoric seen as justifiable by media narratives[52]
Female supremacism rhetoric seen as 'empowering' by establishment[53]
Feminism - presumed perfect by elite, so abuses of men get overlooked[54]
Forced labour – men the majority of those genuinely trafficked into slavery[55]
Funding – for women's initiatives in universities, but not for men's[56]
Gender studies - hyper-focusses on women and ignores men's issues[57]
Gender-developmental progress – men typically presented as hostile to it[58]
Genital injuries to men - seen as joke by mainstream media regulators[59]
Glass ceiling myth – elite pretend women being held back in employment[60
Governmental agencies - for women's issues but not men's[61]
Health spending – women's disease research gets more funding than men's[62]
Higher education – 59% of degrees go to women, 41% men, the gap widening[63]
Historiography – women presented as historically oppressed, and by men[64]
Homelessness – 80% to 90% of street homeless are men[65]
Homophobic violence – gay men overwhelming victims from people, and states[66]
Housework – Muslim husbands obliged to provide wife with a housekeeper[67]
Hypergamy - (gold-digging) - prevalent amongst majority of world's women[68]
Ideology – Marxist left wing claim only women face discrimination[69]
India – 98% of domestic violence allegations believed false[70]
Infrastructure – in US from 1890 to 1917, 230,000 men killed on rail roads[71]
Inheritance – Muslim women not obliged to share property but men must[72]
Innocence Project – 99.5% of all found to be wrongly convicted, are men[73]
International Women's Day celebrated, but Men's Day ignored or disparaged[74]
Judiciary - recommend discriminating against men when setting sentencing[75]
Koran – decrees that women are weak so should be provided for by men[76]
Lace Curtain – excludes men's issues debates from mainstream media[77]
Ladies Nights – men still financially discriminated against for being men[78]
Language – negative terms associated with maleness i.e. 'slugs and snails... '[79]
Life expectancy - shorter for men around the world[80]
Male-bashing – Newspaper marketing Association recommends misandry[81]
Male idiot stereotype - omnipresent in sitcoms and adverts[82]
Male Studies – falsely framed by mainstream media as anti-women or anti-equality[82.5] [82.6]
Man flu - scoffed at, despite science showing men more susceptible to flu[83]
Marriage gifts – cultures and religions insist men must pay women to marry[84]
Media bias – factual content portrays men negatively 69% of time[85]
Men's rights movement, issues & activists presented as anti-women & equality[86]
Millionaires – 25% more young female millionaires than male in the UK[87]
Ministers for Women but none for men[88]
Misandry - common but seldom mentioned, or recognized in dictionaries[89]
Misogyny - claims of it used to silence any male dissent[90]
Mitigation – 12 female-only legal defences for pre-meditated murder[91]
Murders - of men, much more frequent than of women[92]
NGOs – use victim-female strategies and focus in their advocacy and research[93]
News reporting – avoids reference to gender when the victims are male[94]
Nursery education – boys treated worst than girls, and male teachers excluded[95]
Objectification - typically presented as something only women suffer from[96]
Overtime – 60% of men in UK work over 60 hours per week[97]
Parental alienation – men disproportionately targeted by women[98]
Parental leave & pay – UK Fathers get 26 times less than UK mothers[99]
Parental leave & pay – mothers can withhold parental leave & pay from men[100]
Part-time work – UK men earn 4% less than part-time women[101]
Paternity fraud – 30% non-custodial fathers paying for children not theirs[102]
Paternity testing for every newborn - not yet compulsory anywhere in world[103]
Patriarchy theory - omnipresent throughout academy, media and polity[103.5]
Paedophilia hysteria - typically presents men only as the threat[104]
Policing – men arrested more often than women for similar crimes[105]
Porn – male porn stars get paid nine times less than female porn stars[106]
Porn – female porn stars can choose male co-stars, but males get no choice[106]
Porn – male porn stars body-build to get screen-ready. Females just show up[106]
Primary education – anti-male propaganda introduced, & few male teachers[107]
Primary care giver payouts – women rewarded in divorces for not earning[108]
Princess culture – girls being indoctrinated to expect special treatment[109]
Prison conditions – much worst for men than for women[110]
Prostitution – male customers criminalized, female sellers treated as victims[111]
Pussy pass – women held to lesser standards than men due to genitalia[112]
Quotas - usually only enforced to correct inequalities faced by women[113]
Rape of men - often treated as a media joke[114]
Rape (of women) statistics inflated by educators, governments & media[115]
Relational aggression – females of all ages slightly more manipulative than males[115.5]
Religions - insisting on and enforcing male wage-slavery to wives and sisters[116]
Reproductive rights & choices – men, no choice with unwanted pregnancies[117]
Retirement age – 5 years later for men, despite shorter life expectancies[118]
Sabotage – men's rights movement aims attacked and obscured in wikipedia and beyond[118.5] [118.6]
Seating – In Saudi Arabia, two men must vacate bus seat for one woman[119]
Secondary education – Male-blaming victim-femalism taught across curricula[120]
Second shift myth – claims 'women's work never done' - yet men do more[121]
Sentencing bias – being male is number one predictor of a heavier sentence[122]
Sex – women less likely to initiate or reciprocate sexual acts than men[pending]
Sexism – women 4 times more sexist, but some fems pretend only men sexist[124]
Sex segregation – cultures & feminisms say men too predatory to integrate[125]
Spending decisions – wives decide on 90% of purchase decisions in marriages[126]
Statutory rape – boys portrayed as lucky when teachers sexually abuse them[127]
Student Unions - ignore men's issues, and object to men's equality groups[128]
Suicide – in part due to inequalities, a higher risk for men at every age group[129]
Suicide bombers - disproportionately male. Family of man receive a pay-off[130]
Taxes - men pay more than women, but receive less back in state benefits[131]
Tennis – men forced to play best of 5 sets where as women play best of 3[132]
Tips – waitresses earn $2000 more gratuities than waiters per year[133]
Trafficking lies – women choosing prostitution presented as if victims of men[134]
Victim-female statistics abuse - at every level of the establishment[135]
Violence – most of women's violence is against men (as is men's violence)[136]
Wage gap lies – victim-femalists falsely claims women unfairly paid less[137]
Wage slavery – religious & cultural laws decree men must pay for women[138]
War – historically, 99.999% of combat fatalities have been men[139]
Wealth – women control 60% of all money in the USA[140]
Wigs – men publicly scorned for wearing wigs, whilst women given a pass[141] [141.5]
Women & children first policies in advocacy, emergency aid, & evacuations[142])
Woman's Hour six times a week on the BBC, but no Men's Hour or the like[143]
Women's academic forums but no men's, so widespread ignorance on men[144]
Women's groups & governments oppose joint custody[145] [145.5]
Women's groups exaggerate prevalence of rape and domestic violence[146]
Women's issues TV shows, but no men's issues shows[147]
Women-only political advocacy rhetoric, from far left to far right wings[148] [149]
Women-only public spaces, like gyms, swimming baths, parks and islands[15o] [151]
Women-only train carriages[152] [152.5]
Women's-only issues representation by student unions[153]
Women-only research in academia[154]
Women's studies departments – 900 or more women's & gender studies depos ignoring men[155]
United Nations – promotes women's inequality stories[156]
Universities' curricula and culture, across fields, uniformly critical on men[157]
Unpaid security guard role expected of men by many women[158]
XY 'inferiority' rhetoric common, although science does not support the claim[159]
Zero – the number of men's rights movement books most people have read[160]
submitted by mhandanna to MensRights [link] [comments]

Leaving Baltimore - Part 2

The Plot
We all know the story as laid out in the prosecution’s case. Adnan, angered at having been replaced in Hae’s heart by Don, decided to murder her. He secures a cell phone, calls Hae the night before to set her up to give him a ride after school. He places the phone and his car in the hands of his accomplice, Jay Wilds. He gets Hae to drive him after school during which time she is murdered. He contacts Jay and they dump Hae’s car at the Park n Ride lot after which Jay drives Adnan back to Woodlawn HS. He attends track practice and makes sure he is seen by his coach. Jay picks him up after practice and the two go to Kristi’s place where Adnan gets calls from Hae’s brother and then the cops. Adnan and Jay leave Kristi’s, retrieve Hae’s car, drive to Leakin Park and do a half-assed job at burying Hae’s body. They dump Hae’s car and Jay gets picked up by Jen.
We know that Bilal got Adnan the phone on January 11, 1999 and Adnan activated it the next day. We know through Adnan’s dad’s inexplicably long testimony on the subject that Adnan led prayers at the ISB on January 14, 1999. We know that Adnan was a 17 year-old kid when he was arrested for murdering Hae Min Lee—or do we?
Maryland's inmate record (type his name in the linked page to pull it up) has Adnan's date of birth listed as May 21, 1980. I'm sure this has been discussed to death, but there appears to be some controversy over Adnan's age and whether he was 17 or 18 at the time Hae was murdered. His arrest warrant also shows the same birthdate in 1980.This unauthenticated image from what appears to be Adnan's old passport indicates that his birthday is May 21, 1981. Which is correct? Why might the age in his passport have been falsified? Well, a few months ago, I commented on how my parents shipped me off to India a few weeks before school was out for the summer because if I traveled before my 12th birthday, the price of my ticket would be half. My family joined me a few weeks later. I didn't fly alone, mind you, but with my dad's cousin and her shitty son who was a couple of years younger than me. That fucker threw gum in my hair during our layover in Mumbai (Bombay back then). The kid is now an accomplished physician, but when I see him at family gatherings, I still think, "screw that guy." At any rate, note that Adnan's passport was procured in May 1992. If the timing of the passport was in advance of a family trip to Pakistan, I can totally see his parents using a phony birth certificate to make their kid 11 years old to avoid paying the full fare. Yeah, even when you exclude the murderers, my people from the subcontinent kind of suck. Regardless, I'll keep with Serial's possibly false assertion that Adnan was 17 at the time of the murder because I don't think adding an extra year would have made Adnan more of a criminal mastermind. But it is important to note that if Adnan's birthday is, in fact, May 21, 1980, his side and the complicit, non-fact-checking, lazy-ass media has been spinning this fiction that he was 17 at the time of the murder and should not have been tried as an adult. More relevant to my analysis, however, is the fact that if Adnan was 18 on January 11, 1999 when he got the cell phone, he would not have needed Bilal to get it for him. Thus, if Adnan was already 18 and could have procured it himself, it was Bilal who was forcing the cell phone into Adnan's hand consistent with my conclusions that Bilal was, in fact, the mastermind.
The Phone
I received a message a few months ago asking why Adnan needed a cell phone to kill Hae. It was a damned good question. It's one of those questions that we gloss over and never bother asking, taking for granted that Adnan needed a phone. Why not just tell Jay to meet him at some place at a particular time? Were they pressed for time? Did the plan to murder Hae have to operate like clockwork? The way Jay and Adnan floated around from the time Jay picked up Adnan after track practice until Jen Pusateri picked up Jay after they finished burying Hae at Leakin Park, it certainly didn’t seem like they were in a hurry to get anywhere. So why did a phone have to come into the equation? Because the original plot to murder Hae likely differed from the one that was actually carried out. The original plot was far more time sensitive and had to be executed like clockwork to make sure everything happened on time. At some point, the wheels came off the plan and Adnan had to improvise.
Do you know who relied heavily on their phones in 1999? Criminal informants. CIs live and die by their cell phones. They are used to keep in contact with their handlers. They are used to help set up sting operations. They are used to make sure that the operations run like clockwork. A heavy cell phone user like Bilal would not be able to conceive taking a shit without coordinating it on his phone.
Sticking with the prevailing narrative that Adnan was 17, he couldn’t get a phone on his own because you need to be 18 to sign a cell phone contract. He didn’t use a fake ID. He didn’t try to convince his parents that he needed one for work and have them sign the contract. He was taken to the cell store by Bilal who signed the contract for him on January 11, 1999.
During the 9 day stretch from January 3 to January 12, 1999, there are 14 calls between Bilal’s mobile and Adnan’s home. After Adnan activated his phone on January 12, 1999 until he was arrested on February 28, 1999 how many times did Bilal call Adnan on his mobile? Two bloody times. Both on January 26, 1999 one day after the police visited Adnan’s house asking about Hae causing Adnan and his mom to panic and shit themselves. In the days immediately following Adnan activating his phone, not one call from Bilal asking: “Hey kid who I’ve known and been close to for the past six years to whom I made a dozen calls in the past week and whose photo I carry around in my wallet, how is that new phone I got you working out?” For those looking for incriminating calls linking Bilal with the events that transpired on January 13, Bilal was very careful in covering his tracks. In fact he was too careful because we go from a high volume of calls to complete radio silence on the day of Hae’s murder. The lack of calls between them screams, “I will not incriminate myself by calling that new phone I just bought for you to facilitate the murder we planned!”
For some reason, Bilal chose to get Adnan a cell phone from ATT instead of Sprint on which Bilal had at least three lines. Perhaps he liked the fact that ATT does not show the numbers for incoming calls. Clearly, Bilal neither asked about nor was aware that ATT, unlike Sprint, includes cell tower location info in their records. Had he known, he would have admonished Adnan to avoid making calls to Hae late at night on January 12, 1999. One call pinged tower L602C in western downtown Baltimore. Specifically, L602C is located just south of US-40, west of MD-2 and just north of where I-395 ends. Do you know what else is at that exact same location?
Nah, there is no way that 17-year old Adnan would have been finalizing the details of the plot with career criminal Bilal the night before the murder. It’s much more likely that Adnan was clubbing on a school night on the west side of downtown Baltimore where Bilal happened to have an office calling Hae on the phone that Bilal just happened to have bought for him a day earlier and immediately before Hae happened to be murdered, right?
Leading Prayers
Adnan led prayers at ISB on January 14, 1999. At first we are led to believe that he led prayers of the entire congregation of hundreds of families during Ramadan. Any Muslim who is part of a large community upon reflection for a moment will realize that Adnan DID NOT lead the entire congregation. The Imam who leads prayers during Ramadan is a hafiz, or someone who has memorized the Quran. Although Adnan used his time in prison to become a hafiz, he was not one when he was 17. As indicated in Bilal’s grand jury testimony, the prayer Adnan led was of a small youth group of about 20 boys for which Bilal served as leader. As youth leader, Bilal was in charge of coordinating who led this smaller prayer and on what days. This prayer wasn't nearly as big a deal as it was made to sound during trial. The group of boys could have set up anywhere in a corner of the prayer hall and performed the prayer followed by a brief talk. While this was an unremarkable event in that it would not require everyone in the mosque to stop and take note, it was notable enough for some people to see and acknowledge that it took place. Most importantly, it was something over which Bilal had control. Now let’s put it all together.
The Original Plan
There are varying opinions on Adnan’s ability to concoct the plot to murder Hae. Some say he lacked the sophistication to come up with the plan while others are convinced that he is a precocious, manipulative sociopath who was criminally wise beyond his years. Adnan may have been a manipulative turd, but I do not think he could have come up with this plan on his own, especially in view of the obvious help he received from Bilal. The original plan was time sensitive and required a high degree of precision, thus requiring a cell phone to execute. It was important for Adnan to be seen by others throughout the day so that the window during which he could have committed the murder would be impossibly small thereby insulating him from suspicion.
Phase 1: Give Jay Adnan’s phone and car so that Jay would be on call to immediately pick up Adnan after Hae was murdered.
Phase 2: Get a ride from Hae to the location of her murder and call Jay.
Phase 3: Drive Hae’s car to the Park n Ride while Jay follows in Adnan’s car.
Phase 4: Have Jay drive Adnan to track practice and make a big show to the coach to whom Adnan hardly spoke before to leave an impression so that the coach would remember Adnan was there.
Phase 5: Get high with Jay and go to Kristi’s where more people would see Adnan and could vouch that he was there.
Phase 6: Go home, shower and change for prayers at the ISB.
Phase 7: LEAD PRAYERS OF THE SMALL YOUTH GROUP SO THAT ISB MEMBERS COULD VOUCH THAT ADNAN WAS AT THE ISB THAT EVENING. Yeah, I know this didn’t happen, but this was Bilal’s ORIGINAL plan that got screwed up. Please read on to see how.
Phase 8: Live happily ever after knowing that he got away with murder (preceded by some plan in the days following Hae's murder to dispose of her body in something other than a shallow grave).
Of all the steps, I am most impressed by Phase 7: Not only is Adnan establishing his presence at the mosque for all to see, but by leading the prayers he is also spiritually cleansing himself of the heinous act that he just committed and asking God for forgiveness. What a twisted monster this Bilal is. He wields spiritual abuse like a magician. He uses religion to draw in his victims. He uses religion to reinforce his victims’ shame and silence. He uses religion to cleanse the unspeakable acts he manipulates his victims into performing. Unfortunately for Adnan, something went wrong at Phase 5 causing the shit to hit the prophy cup (the motorized dental tool that spins like crazy when used to polish teeth--yeah, I had to look that up).
The Audible
While sitting there at Kristi’s place establishing his presence, Adnan received a call. Recall that Adnan was high at the time and probably feeling a little paranoid. This paranoia likely went into overdrive when Adnan saw that the number calling him was Hae’s! Adnan’s head was spinning (like the now proverbial prophy cup) at the incredibly short turnaround time between Hae being murdered and her almost instantly haunting him. He trepidly answered and was relieved to hear the voice of Hae’s brother who actually meant to call her current boyfriend, Don, to ask of his sister’s whereabouts. Her brother’s mistake is easy to understand given that Hae wrote Adnan’s number in the last entry in her diary where she had also written Don’s name 127 times (see page 66 of the PDF). Adnan relaxed again for a moment before shit suddenly got real when his phone rang again a few minutes later with the police asking him about Hae’s whereabouts. Within a couple of hours of his killing Hae, the cops called Adnan on his cell phone that he had only activated 24 hours earlier. At this point, Adnan’s brain hit DEFCON fucked. He probably figured, if the cops could zero in on him and his phone that quickly, it’s just a question of time before they find Hae’s car and her body in the trunk and find a way to link it to him!
In a state of panic, paranoia and desperation, Adnan deviated from the plan and called an audible. He and Jay would retrieve Hae’s body from her car and bury it in Leakin Park. This was the point where the murder plot switched from being that of a criminal mastermind to the half-baked brain fart of two pot-heads. It transitioned from being Bilal's plan to Adnan's plan. In his panicked state, Adnan started to make mistakes. He popped the glove box in Hae’s car and frantically searched for the route to the park, but left a revealing palm print on the map book. After picking up Hae’s car and body, he realized that there was no way he would be able to make it to the ISB and lead prayers as required under Phase 7 of the plot. So Adnan called Yaser from his cell asking Yaser to relay to Bilal, who Adnan was NOT supposed to call, that Adnan would not be able to make it to the ISB that evening. The alternative explanation is absurd wherein while digging a grave for his ex-girlfriend whom he just murdered, Adnan suddenly became curious about whether he had cell reception in Leakin Park and decided to test the signal strength by calling his buddy. Remember, he was high on pot, not crystal meth. Had they been on meth, they would likely have dug a hole deep enough, but would have neglected to place the body inside. All kidding aside, I cannot underscore the importance of this call to Yaser enough. It strongly suggests that the pièce de résistance of the original plot was, in fact, Adnan leading the prayers on January 13, 1999 at the ISB. Prayers over which Bilal had control to designate who would lead and when. If true, this establishes Bilal as the mastermind behind the murder plot. The audible cost Adnan the possibility of legit alibi witnesses at the ISB for the evening of January 13, 1999.
Thus, Adnan screwed up his evening alibi, although, unsurprisingly, Bilal was supposedly prepared to commit perjury and say that Adnan was at the ISB anyway because that’s how Bilal rolls. While the alibi aspect of leading the prayers was lost, Bilal still saw value in Adnan leading the prayers on January 14 likely for the spiritual cleansing effect and to emotionally put the unpleasant matter behind him.
The Tip
A brief word about the February 12, 1999 phone tip wherein the tipster suggested that the cops take a closer look at Adnan for Hae's murder. We know that Adnan placed a call to Yasser at 6:59 PM on Jan 13. From there, it all likely unfolded as follows: As suggested above, this call was Adnan asking Yasser to cover for him at the mosque because Adnan was supposed to lead the youth group’s prayer per Bilal’s plan to give him an evening alibi. Yasser returned to Bilal's youth group of 20 boys, told them that Adnan would not be able to make it and Bilal designated one of the other boys to lead that evening. By itself, that's pretty unremarkable and the boys may not have thought much of it at the time. But then Hae’s disappearance started making the news. Based on Yasser’s testimony, many of the boys knew Adnan had been dating Hae. When the news of her body being found on Feb 9 broke, one of the boys in the youth group made the connection that Hae was last seen on the day that Yasser said he got the call and Adnan would not be leading them in the prayer. The kid only knows that Adnan called Yasser the evening of January 13, but does not know specifically what was discussed besides Adnan telling Yasser that he would not be able to make it to the mosque. The kid called the cops a couple of days later on Feb 12 telling them to look at Adnan who the kid knew was Hae's ex. More importantly, he called the cops back a few minutes later telling them to talk to Yasser. But the kid didn't tell the cops that Yasser received a call from Adnan the evening of January 13. The kid didn't tell the cops that Yasser was the one who told the youth group and Bilal that Adnan would not be leading them in prayers. The kid assumed that Yasser knew more about what else Adnan did that evening with regard to the murder because Yasser is the one who Adnan chose to call. The kid, wanting to preserve his anonymity and not wanting it known that he was one of the boys in Bilal's youth group, made Yasser's knowledge of what Adnan likely did to Hae about some remote bullshit story "from about a year ago" where Adnan allegedly told Yasser about hurting Hae and driving her car into a lake. One year earlier, Adnan and Hae were not dating. The kid's bullshit story was a feeble attempt to direct the cops to Yasser without having to tell them about the call Yasser received on January 13, 1999 that would have identified the tipster as one of the 20 boys in Bilal's youth group. Take it out of the context of this analysis. Is there a more logical reason why the tipster would call back and give the cops Yasser’s name?
What About Jay?
In the original plan, Jay was only supposed to drive Adnan's car: follow Adnan to where they dumped Hae's car with her body inside and accompany him to Kristi's. I imagine Bilal's instruction on this was something like this: "Get someone to drive your car and pick you up where you dump Hae and her car. Use that black guy you buy pot from. Threaten to turn him in if he doesn't agree to help." Jay went along initially because all he had to do was drive Adnan's car. Then when things went to hell and Adnan panicked at Phase 5 and called the audible, the plan suddenly went way beyond what Jay signed up for. Going back and getting Hae's body, helping drag her body out of the car to the burial site, helping bury (or watching Adnan bury) the body all freaked Jay out. Based on Jen's account of when she came to pick up Jay, he was shaken. He let it drop right then that Hae was murdered. Had they stuck to the original plan and spared Jay having to help drag Hae's dead body out and bury it, he probably would have kept his mouth shut and said nothing to Jen that night. Being a craven piece of shit, Bilal was not going to allow himself to have any active role in Hae's murder. Aside from being enlisted to drive Adnan's car, Jay may have also been engaged to assist so that Bilal and Adnan could have a patsy to blame for Hae's murder if the cops got too close. Recall that just before Hae's body was found, Adnan made an appointment to finally speak with the police after consulting with Bilal. The cops cancelled the meeting with Adnan after Hae's body was found so Adnan didn't have a chance to throw Jay under the bus.
Why didn't Adnan inform Bilal about the audible? As mentioned above, Adnan was under strict instructions to NOT call Bilal because Bilal didn't want to have any calls between himself and Adnan's new phone. Given that, it does seem strange and stupid for Bilal to have signed the cell phone contract two days earlier, but that also goes to the idea of Bilal being a CI who was pre-programmed into convincing himself that a cell phone is absolutely necessary for the operation. It's almost as though Bilal wasn't able to help himself like Yosemite Sam in this clip where he can’t stop his own actions despite knowing there will be a disastrous result.
We are not clear on what happened after Adnan dropped off Jay, but my guess is that Adnan went to the mosque to tell Bilal in person what had happened. The taraweeh prayers during Ramadan typically last 1.5 to 2 hours. If they started at around 7 PM they would have been wrapping up at close to 9 PM and people would still be hanging out. Jen was paged at a little after 8 PM to pick up Jay and Adnan likely headed home at about 8:15 PM. I assume he would have gone home to clean up before heading over to the mosque, which would have put him there at around 9ish when most people were leaving or had already left, thus the lack of people willing to testify that he was there that evening. Wait, I take that back...Jan 13, 1999 landed on an odd night (25th of Ramadan) during the last 10 days of the holy month. Odd nights during the last ten days are of particular significance for reasons you can look up on your own, but Muslims tend to spend extra time in prayers and dhikr (remembrance/thinking about God) on these nights. ISB members would have definitely stuck around after 9 pm. I imagine that deviating from the plan and physically burying Hae freaked Adnan out as well and he probably was too weirded out to go into the mosque and may have waited outside in his car for Bilal to come out. While waiting, he may have made those calls to Nisha at Krista at around 9 PM. Then again, he may have just gone home and made the calls from there and connected with Bilal in person the following day. What we do know is that Adnan did not go to the mosque on January 13, 1999 despite his dad—and ONLY his dad in a community of hundreds—having testified otherwise.
The Arrest
In the weeks following Hae’s murder, Adnan and Bilal did their best to keep a low profile occasionally shitting themselves every time the cops reached out. When Adnan was arrested, Bilal knew that he had to make himself indispensable to Adnan and his family. There is desperation in the way Bilal completely threw himself into assisting Adnan. As mentioned before, Bilal was Adnan’s first call from prison. Bilal quickly retained attorneys to represent Adnan and organized the community to pay for the legal fees and write letters of support too in hope for a favorable bail hearing. Even the attorneys Bilal hired were under the impression that Bilal was a close relative of Adnan’s. As devastated as Adnan’s parents were, they felt blessed to have Bilal in their corner. How can this amazing man who selflessly took such an active interest in their son for the past several years be any more of an angel???!!! “Bilal, we are so lucky to have you in our lives!” There are nearly 100 calls between Bilal and Adnan’s parents during the 45-day stretch between when Adnan was arrested and when he was indicted. Not only was Adnan groomed to be dependent upon and completely devoted to Bilal, Bilal groomed Adnan’s parents to feel that way as well.
It had to be Gutierrez
While Bilal deserves to be universally hated, Rabia somehow manages to even get her reasons for hating Bilal wrong. In her mind, Bilal’s most egregious offense was hiring Cristina Gutierrez to represent Adnan. Rabia convinced herself that Gutierrez was a shitty attorney who sabotaged Adnan’s defense. In reality, Rabia is oblivious to the fact that she herself is a far shittier attorney who did immeasurable damage to Adnan’s case by providing inept assistance guaranteeing that Adnan will rot in prison for the rest of his life. All Rabia accomplished was finding a new way to leverage social media to weaponize uninformed public opinion and unleash it against our imperfect criminal justice system making it worse than it was before. As I posted previously, Gutierrez was more than competent and did well with the shitty hand that she was dealt. What I did not realize until recently is that Bilal was likely the dealer and made sure she received an extra helping of shit.
There is no shortage of competent defense attorneys in the Baltimore area. Yet, Bilal insisted that Adnan use Gutierrez, the same attorney who represented Bilal (and Rabia’s brother, Saad) during the grand jury proceedings. The lengths to which the defense went to shoehorn Gutierrez into this case were extraordinary. While I stand by the fact that she was a good attorney, her courtroom presence, admittedly, left something to be desired and moving heaven and earth to convince the court to allow her to represent Adnan was initially a head scratcher. Looking at it now, I’m sorry, but this Bilal fucker is an evil genius. Having Gutierrez represent Adnan was the ultimate hedge move wherein she would be bound by attorney-client privilege to not disclose ANYTHING Bilal told her short of his intending to commit a future crime. After his less than stellar performance as a witness during the grand jury proceedings, Bilal had Adnan change his legal representation. Recall that Bilal’s testimony resulted in the prosecution subpoenaing Bilal’s cell phone records and wondering if he was involved in Hae’s murder. Also recall Bilal’s strange, paranoid behavior during his testimony where he would excuse himself after even the most innocuous question and consult with Gutierrez who was sitting outside the courtroom. Within a couple of weeks of Bilal's grand jury testimony, Gutierrez was suddenly retained to take over Adnan's defense.
To be clear, I don’t think Bilal said anything to Gutierrez to lead her to suspect that he was in any way involved in Hae's murder. Sure, he bought Adnan the phone, but that’s all she knew. She could not have known that Adnan was lurking near Bilal’s office at the dental school the night before or that Bilal originally intended for Adnan to lead prayers on Jan 13. She did not know about Bilal’s predatory behavior. She did, however, suspect that there was something fishy going on during the grand jury proceedings when she told the attorney who was representing Adnan at the time to warn Shamim (Adnan’s mom) about seeing Bilal during the days he was testifying. She also likely knew that Bilal was involved in the plot to fabricate the Asia alibi, but thought she had control over the situation. She did not have any concrete proof or admission from Bilal or Adnan with which to go to the judge to raise a conflict of interest and request to be removed as counsel. Bilal’s main motivation in having her represent Adnan was that because of her earlier representation of Bilal, she would be precluded from investigating and raising an affirmative defense that Bilal was an accomplice who coerced/manipulated Adnan into committing the murder. At the time she agreed to represent Adnan, this was hardly conceivable. By the time she learned of Bilal’s predatory behavior, it was the 11th hour before the trial and very unlikely that the judge would allow her to withdraw. I don’t think she acted unethically although she should have thought twice about agreeing to take Adnan as a client. But she was duped into representing Adnan by Bilal, a master manipulator: “We need the best representation Ms. Gutierrez and that is you! Adnan’s only chance is if an excellent attorney like you represents him! The entire ISB community is prepared to pitch in and pay your legal fees!” All this fucker did was groom people.
Had Adnan been represented by an independent attorney who was in no way connected to Bilal, that attorney may have had the option to argue an affirmative defense under the theory that Adnan’s actions were the result of his being controlled and manipulated by the predator, Bilal. In fact, Judge Mitchell raised these concerns during the July 9, 1999 motion hearing to determine whether Gutierrez should represent Adnan at pages 12-13. Technically, Gutierrez could notify the court if she encountered a conflict of interest, but there was nothing concrete to which she could point. While she was probably sharp enough to connect the dots for how Hae's murder likely went down, she was ethically precluded from connecting them through Bilal because he too was her client. Thus, Bilal made sure that there would be no opportunity to direct the prosecution to look harder at him for treating Adnan like a pawn in the hands of a grand master. By having Gutierrez represent both Adnan and Bilal, Bilal effectively tied her hands and insulated himself from suspicion.
There is no good answer for "Why?" when it comes to a craven, insane predator like Bilal. You might as well ask why he felt compelled to prey on young boys or sexually assaulted his patients and employees. Having spent way too much time trying to understand how his toxic mind works, I have a few guesses.
There are clues in Hae’s diary. It should be noted that Hae was likely guarded in what she wrote and avoided disclosing any explicit, substantive information because, as stated in an early entry dated April 5, 1998, she knew her brother reads the diary. In her May 7, 1998 entry she wrote of Adnan telling her of a sexual issue about himself that he needed to discuss. The July 1, 1998 entry suggests Adnan’s inability to perform sexually. Look at the entry. According to Hae, Adnan told her, "You said that I can't fulfill you physically, well, you can't fulfill me emotionally." Hae went on to write that her friend told her re Adnan, "Even if you don't have a great sex life, at least you have a strong emotional relationship." Kinda cuts against Team Adnan's narrative that he was some huge player who was having sex with Hae all over the place. It felt like Rabia, Saad and Adnan oversold it when they talked about the hotel rooms and parked cars where Adnan and Hae would screw. Like the un-layable kid who brags about his girlfriend who lives in Canada that nobody met. Based on Hae's diary, I'd be surprised if Adnan and Hae had sex at all. It puts an entirely different spin on for whom Bilal was renting hotel rooms. This gives more weight to the likelihood that the "player" narrative was a smokescreen to mask the reality of who was screwing who. The shitty HBO documentary makes it a point to discuss Hae telling Adnan that she was sexually assaulted by a family member although she makes no reference to this in her diary. While Adnan is hardly a credible source for Hae having been molested, the attention-starved Debbie backs up this story. In the context of Hae’s diary entries, it’s possible that they shared their respective victimhood with one another, which may explain the strong emotional bond Hae appeared to have with Adnan.
It is possible that Adnan disclosed his relationship with Bilal to Hae and, after Hae dumped him, admitted to Bilal that he made such a disclosure. This would cause Bilal great consternation and fear of criminal consequences because Hae is outside the scope of Bilal’s control. While most of us have boundaries that govern our behavior, Bilal is basically borderless. His developing the plot to murder Hae may have been driven by his warped sense of self-preservation. Bilal had no control over Hae and her knowing about Bilal preying on her ex since he was a child was a direct threat that Bilal needed to eliminate. Alternatively, he may have concocted the plot out of jealousy because he hated that Adnan was pining for Hae and felt compelled to manipulate Adnan into murdering her. Or, as astutely noted by another user, he may have been tempted by the prospect of giving himself life-long leverage by holding his knowledge of the crime over Adnan in perpetuity if they got away with it. It is likely that a manipulative monster like Bilal convinced Adnan that Hae is now a loose cannon who knows something that would destroy Adnan's reputation. Despite Adnan being Bilal's victim, Bilal would leverage the shame Adnan felt over the "relationship" they shared. Adnan did not understand that Bilal was not only physically preying on him but also preying on Adnan's fear that Adnan would be a pariah if the community found out about his relationship with Bilal. Because in the eyes of the community, they would not see Adnan as the victim he was, but rather a willing participant in a sordid affair. Bilal likely told Adnan that his parents would die of shame. Admitting to murdering Hae masks a deeper admission wherein lies what was likely Adnan's true motive for committing the crime. Then again, only Adnan knows.
Both Adnan and Bilal are currently in prison. Bilal is two years into his 16.5 year sentence for sexually assaulting patients and employees at his dental practice. On January 17, 2020, Bilal is scheduled to be sentenced for defrauding Medicare/Medicaid. His attorneys will make a case that his sentence for stealing nearly $6 million should run concurrently with his sentence for forcing several people into performing oral sex on him while they lay unconscious in a dental chair. Bilal may, at most, spend the next 14 years in jail.
Adnan has remained in prison since his arrest almost 21 years ago. The likelihood of his being released was killed not long ago when he exhausted his appeals and the Supreme Court denied cert. The arguments made were stupid. There was enough against him where the case would not have turned without the cell tower location evidence. The absurd notion that Guteirrez was ineffective is patently offensive to logic and her memory. The fabricated Asia alibi only confirmed Adnan’s guilt. Rabia and the rest of the passengers in her clown car masquerading as attorneys have litigated Adnan into a corner where he can no longer tell the truth. He can no longer admit that he was merely a marionette in the hands of a puppet master.
Adnan’s imprisonment did not begin in 1999. It started when he was 11 years old and was placed in the hands of this monster. The monster groomed Adnan into being utterly devoted to him. It is unfortunate that in a community like the ISB, members would likely have a difficult time distinguishing between homosexuality and a child being preyed upon by a predator. It is that lack of distinction that scares the child into shame and silence. Adnan has been locked in that emotional prison for the past 27 years. The predator who made Adnan into what he is and made him kill Hae Min Lee will likely reenter society around the time that Adnan celebrates his 51st birthday in jail.
Hae Min Lee’s death was unspeakably tragic. The tragedy for her family was compounded over the past five years by the pervasive reminder of Hae’s death through the wildly popular podcast, countless news articles, books, blogs, and, of course, the shitty documentary that advocated for Adnan’s innocence while pretending to mourn Hae’s murder. Their misery was fodder for our entertainment in which they will continue to be imprisoned for as long as we continue to be fascinated by this case.
I’ve been all over the map with Adnan, starting as a staunch supporter who was duped by Rabia to a mild hater upon realizing his guilt to an extreme hater for his team’s unfair treatment of Gutierrez to where I am now. It is easy to revel in schadenfreude, celebrating the misfortune of one we choose to regard as a smug, manipulative piece of shit. But I don’t know if that’s what Adnan is. I hope I’m wrong about this entire analysis, but it doesn’t feel like I am. I don’t think Adnan is capable of admitting guilt because acknowledging his part in Hae’s murder would likely open deep-seated scars Adnan has been carrying since he was 11 years old. I can’t help but to think that it’s easier for Adnan to remain in prison than to admit that he was molested. If the content of this post is accurate, this story is extremely tragic because there are only victims and the primary perp has escaped accountability--for this crime anyway. As to Adnan, it saddens me that he is imprisoned by the perception of his community. He is imprisoned by the crippling shame. He is imprisoned by the belief of his supporters that he is innocent. And somehow Asia inexplicably knows the address to every one of those prisons. Dammit, I know that killed the vibe I had going there, but I can’t stop myself from taking a cheap shot at Asia.
Then, of course, there is us and the self-imposed prisons in which we lock ourselves, addicted to unresolved cases. Addicted to this case that has no real impact on our day-to-day lives. It is the wee hours of the morning on a weekday and I’m sitting here, again, writing about this goddamn case. I hate thinking about how much time I devoted to reviewing evidence and analyzing facts. It takes me to a dark place of self loathing to think about all the things I could have been learning or doing instead of diving down this rabbit hole.
The title of this post borrows from a far more compelling and impactful documentary that recently aired on HBO, Leaving Neverland. The emotional imprisonment suffered by the two men featured in that documentary was more real and relevant to the Serial case than the asinine sophistry peddled in the deceptively named, The Case Against Adnan Syed.
Thanks to all of you with whom I have engaged over the past year, particularly those who challenged my ideas. I sincerely appreciate your sticking around to reach this point in my ridiculously long post. I hope we can all find a way to finally leave Baltimore and get on with our lives.
submitted by SalmaanQ to serialpodcast [link] [comments]

Evidence of God in plain sight Part II of III

Evidence of God in plain sight Part II of III
Layer 1
The best way to demonstrate the claim is to actually go through examples. Some of you may not know this but Quran is full of examples of word count and not merely word counting but it ties the count to other related counts and also to the real world around us. In addition, the sequence in which the entire Quran is recorded can be viewed as one single block chain with a difference, the public ledger characteristic is supplemented by a visually coherent natural language text layer that is literally tamper-proof.
The issue I am facing is that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of data points. My problem is providing enough of them without overwhelming some of you.
Let us start with something we witness every day and night. The word count of the Moon and the Sun is simply remarkable. At first glance, it points to the solar calendar year in terms of days and the lunar months in a year. However, when we look closer it covers the whole spectrum of events connected with the movement of the Sun and the Moon.
First up, the singular form of the word 'day' is mentioned a total of 365 times, matching the number of days in a year. The interesting bit here is that the Arabic derivatives of the word day like 'your day', ‘their day' and 'my day' are excluded from the count for obvious reasons. Hence, a mindless count of the word “day” will not reveal the underlying pattern.
Similarly, the number of times the word months is repeated matches the traditional count of 12. Although, unlike a week, the movement of the Moon can and is used to track the passing of the months, but the Quran doesn't leave it to chance. The Quran states that in God's eyes the number of months is 12. This is also one of many instances of Self-Reference, where the mention of a word fits the context. In this particular case it also ties into an observed celestial phenomenon.
Needless to say, true to the universal nature of the Quran, there is no direct mention of a week, which is normally difficult to track with a celestial event. Although it could arguably be tracked by the Moon, but the markers are not that self-evident.
But the term “two months” is repeated two times.
Where the word count of the Moon and the Sun is elevated to God mode is in the use of the singular, dual and plural forms within the counts. The number of times the word calendar days, plural form, is used is 30, with a split of 27 singular and 3 duels, corresponding to the sidereal period and synodic period.
In above examples we were focused on the singular and plural tense of the respective terms. In this following instance we will be combining the two to highlight the detail hidden in this combination. The one celestial event that is not commonly observed is to do with the sun's movement in what is called the Metonic cycle. Towards this end the total number of times the word 'year' is mentioned in both singular and plural forms is 19. It may appear that the Quran went another way here. But when the occurrence of the two forms taken together is analyzed, it transpires that the 19 years of the Metonic cycle consist of 7 Lunar leap years and 12 solar non leap years for a grand total of 19. For an even more in-depth discussion of the issue, please go here.
The team over at done a wonderful job. The style of presentation may not be to everybody’s liking but most of the work is solid. I will borrow a handful of their findings here. For an extensive list please follow their YouTube channel link.
  1. Angels – 88 times and Devils – 88 times
  2. This world – 115 times and Next world – 115 times
  3. Heat – 4 times and Coolness – 4 times
  4. Summer – 1 time and Winter – 1 time
  5. Man – 24 times and Woman – 24 times
  6. Worry – 13 times and Reassurance – 13 times
  7. Close – 10 times and Away – 10 times
  8. Belief – 25 times and Disbelief – 25 times
  9. Benefit – 9 times and Harm – 9 times
  10. East Sunrise – 16 times and West Sunset – 16 times
There are some interesting variations, in the case of man and woman, instead of the word “man” (رجل) being used 24 times, it is used 23 times in its singular form by some researchers. The variation has to do with how words are combined to form higher numbers. Hence the word (رجل) in Quran 7:155 is dropped because it combines to mean seventy men. From a Self-Reference point of view the mention is as important as the meaning it conveys. Hence one can make a case for 23. But to get to the mention of 23 times “woman” (امرأة) is not so straightforward. One can try and make a case for it when used in the context of a wife, but it is not how Quran’s patterns pan out. They are all very precise and consistent.
We are not going to delve into the scientific bit as I said but just a quick comment because it is very relevant to the count of 23. I feel one of the reasons some researchers have opted to pursue the number 23 is to see if they can tally it with the 23 chromosomes from the man/father and 23 from the woman/mother. However, there is much clearer indication of this in chapter 112. Where the word (يَلِدْ) is used. This is the only instance in the Quran that it is used to denote procreation. Elsewhere in the Quran other words are used to convey the giving birth sense. Like (مرفوع).
When we write out this very short chapter 112 on a single line, we end up with 15 words. The word (يَلِدْ) falls right in the middle. Seven words fall to its left and seven words falls to its right. The total number of letters in the chapter are 47. If we take the middle letter, we end up with 23 letters to its left and 23 letters to its right. One may raise the objection that the count was reached by including two letters from the middle word and that would ordinarily be a valid objection. But since we have deep dived at letters level, it transpires that the middle letter that falls in the middle of the 23 letters on each side of it, is a lam (ل), which is the 23rd letter of the Arabic alphabet. See figure below. Please go here for details.
The above examples by themselves are remarkable. Now imagine building additional layers on top of them without disturbing the first layer’s distributions.
Note: Let’s catch up a little bit. The naysayers often bring up the ‘difficulty’ of counting in the Arabic text. In reality, it is not a difficulty, but it is slightly different than English for instance. The solution on the other hand is Universal, just stick to a consistent methodology in each instance of counting. If singulars and/or derivatives are used for one word, the same should be employed for the related/opposite word. Then there are the dedicated and well-funded Islam Haters, read people haters, whose focus is on what is not a miracle and objections to how the counts were made.
Ironically while making their case they got the counts wrong. Most of the time the people who raise objections don’t take into account either the nuances of the tense and/or are not familiar with Self-Reference. Please go here to watch some of the objections being discussed
To be fair most of the “Debunk” crowd is a bit dated (but constantly recycled) by now and the field has moved on and many of the objections raised have been addressed since. The word count is actually a checksum of sorts. If we were to only count words in isolation, as opposed to matching them up in pairs, there would be no form of check when it comes to testing the integrity of the text.
Layer 2
The second layer has to do with Self-Reference. The very notion of Self-Reference is rather new and was articulated less than a century back. So, basically, what it means is that we note and become aware of both the use of a particular word to convey the intended meaning and its actual mention in a given work.
We start with the very verse that drew the attention of the researchers to identify the notion of Self-Reference in the Quran.
Then (do) not they ponder (on) the Quran? And if it had (been) from other than God, surely, they (would have) found in it much contradiction. Quran 4:82
The apparent notion of non-contradiction expressed in the verse is a powerful declaration in itself. Adding the Self-Reference element is a force multiplier. The twist is that the very word ‘contradiction’ is used just once in the entire Quran.
Here is another demonstration of “Self-Reference”. In this example the expression Seven Heavens is used, you guessed it, exactly 7 times.
Similarly, it is also interesting to note that the word COLORS’ (alwan) in plural form appears a total of SEVEN TIMES in the Quran (16:13, 16:69, 30:22, 35:27, 35:27, 35:28, 39:21), , matching the visible spectrum.
In fact, the various different colors mentioned have their own logic in their order of appearance. The color story is interesting, but we will move on.
As usual there was a bit of confusion on the counts when Mohammad Asadi first discovered this phenomenon and wrote an article, but the counts were later adjusted and confirmed. There are a number of other examples to ponder over. Please go here to read his article and the accompanying forum discussion link to address the “confusion”.
Let me quickly add that all this counting and order of appearance of words in identifiable patterns buries the assertion by sect centric Muslims and the so-called Islam “experts” that the Quran was not compiled by the Author himself.
At this point some may say and do: It can be done, that is, the measured use of specific words.
Of course, it can be done up to a certain point, it just depends on the level of complexity. Hence a few more examples in this particular layer will dispel the notion that it is possible. Remember we are at the second and still a relatively less complicated layer. Apart from the fact that 1,400 year back edit modes were not only impractical but evidence of it being employed in the case of the Quran has either been cleaned up to the point of impossibility or the entire over 77,000-word work was edited and proofread in the mind of the Author, before committing it to writing . Trust me, as the complexity builds up it will become easier to set aside this “possibility” notion, even if a remote one at that.
The most famous example of Self-Reference is the mention of Jesus and Adam in the Quran. Several researchers had noticed this pattern, but I think Kaheel’s version is more comprehensive.
Briefly: Allah Almighty says: Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam. Quran 3:59
We notice several relevant elements in the Quran:
The first: The word Jesus is repeated in the Quran 25 times, the same as the word Adam.The second: The number of times the word Adam was mentioned from the beginning of the Qur’an up to this crucial verse is 7 times, and the number of times Jesus was mentioned from the beginning of the Qur’an up to this verse is also 7 times.
The third: The word Adam is mentioned for the 19th time in the Qur’an in the chapter Mary and also the word Jesus is mentioned for the 19th time in chapter Mary, which is the 19th chapter of the Quran. Hence likeness is balanced in a number of ways. There are several other elements to this pattern and like many other instances, the two ‘major’ patterns based on the number 19 and 7 overlap. For instance, the number of verses between the 7th mention of Adam and 19th mention are 1957 verses. The same is true of Jesus. Interesting when we write out the numbers from 1 to 25 in a single line and then below it, we do the same but in reverse order, the numbers 19 and 7 line up both the times. This is significant from another angle, explained below.
Note: I will keep pointing out as many elements of these patterns as space permits and then encourage the readers to do their own research to fully acquaint themselves with all the variables at play.
Similarly, the expression “SEVEN heavens” is repeated seven times. As is the expression “creation of heavens” even though one can argue that the creation obviously happened once.
I will share one more Self-Reference instance. This particular example is not clear cut at first. The word ‘Trumpet’ is used a total of ten times. The word ‘Blowing’ is used twenty times. The relation becomes apparent once one is made aware of the fact that the Trumpet will be blown twice on the Day of Judgement. These types of ratios are often detailed in the text of the Quran.
Layer 3
We now move on to the third layer. A complex arrangement of text, where the content of the Quran is arranged in what has come to be known as the Ring composition. In short, if we were to arrange the text of a chapter or a set of verses on a number line or write them on the circumference of a circle, the left side of the text by subject matter will be reflected on the right side of the line or circle respectively. Not only that, but unmistakable deliberate use of words like ‘middle’ or ‘before and after’ can be found in the midpoint verses to rule out coincidence.
Although these types of patterns can be found in some poetry of the time and even the Bible, as always it is the scale, consistency and complexity that sets it apart. Recently, Mary Douglas’ essay on Thinking in Circles highlighted the techniques. Kenneth Way describes her work like this:
“In Thinking in Circles, she draws on some of her previous works, including In the Wilderness (Sheffield, 1993) and Leviticus as Literature (Oxford, 1999). In all of these books she discusses aspects of “ring compositions,” which are basically complex chiasms. She explains that the primary distinction between a mere chiasm (e.g., A-B-B’-A’ or A-B-C-D-C’-B’-A’) and a ring composition is that in the latter, the central section (D) reinforces the rhetoric and themes of the outer framework (A and A’). To this primary feature Douglas adds six additional features that characterize rings (but you will have to read the book to discover the six others!).”
The Quran incorporates the ring composition in addition to the rest of the layers. Needless to say, the layered elements are missing from those other instances.
Let me first give a very simple demonstration of ring composition. Chapter two of the Quran is reported to have been revealed over a period of ten years. Most chapters were revealed in spread over years and the verses overlapping the verse of other chapters.
The total number of verses in chapter two is 286; the first 143 verses are narrating events in the past and the second 143 verses are all about the future. The word "middle" is used only once in the entire chapter and falls in the middle of the chapter. The first verse is mirroring the last verse and the second verse is mirroring the second to last verse, all the way to the 143rd verse.
It will take another decade or so for Professor Raymond Farrin, (Interview) who studied classical Arabic, to elaborate on the ring composition of the Quran. Once again this is something that was not plucked out of thin air, but the phenomenon is referenced in the Quran 39:23, as is the case with almost all the so far discovered patterns as we will see.
An example in his own words will illustrate the phenomenon:
A color-coded illustration here will make the phenomenon clearer:
For a detailed account please go here or here for a video version
Layer 4
"If God speaks to man, he undoubtedly uses the language of mathematics."~~~ Henri Poincare
So, we continue, in the modern era and inch towards the Math part. Rashad Khalifa is credited with discovering the 19 based patterns. But this is also a problem.
It is clear that Rashad Khalifa after a promising start lost his way. But it is a bit baffling to notice that there are still a lot of naysayers when it comes to the mathematical patterns found in the Quran. Most keep bringing up the original Rashad Khalifa fiasco as evidence (Kaheel sheds some light on the issue, page 11). In addition to the Bible reference above, there is a tendency among the naysayers to try and compare this phenomenon to Abraham Lincoln’s speech or a passage from Moby Dick or some card trick. The objective obviously is to try and dilute this Earth-shattering discovery or different motives. Comparing it to all these one-pagers is like comparing a single apple to all the oranges in Florida and then some. Different fruit, monumentally different scales. Needless to say, scaling is the elephant in the room the naysayers choose not to see.
To shut the door on God's Universal message expressed in the Universal language of numbers 7 is a serious stretch. Besides, the field has moved on and in addition to the 19 based patterns, one can find 7 and 16 and 10 odd and even based and prime number-based patterns and word and letter counts throughout the Quran. Pretending they are not there will have zero effect on the fact that they have already been discovered and can easily be verified with minimal effort.
Although a number of scholars have made a gallant effort in explaining the immutability of the Quran from a purely linguistic perspective, it is still firmly in the realm of subjective. One such effort is that of Hamza Tzortzis (His "Scientific Miracles" effort didn’t go as planned but he did correct himself). Similarly, Gary miller’s argument driven approach is very powerful, but a determined skeptic is not going to be moved. In order to enter universally understood objectivity we need the help of objective tools. The issue of the mathematical patterns in the Quran is here to stay. Despite the wobbly start Rashad Khalifa gave it.
Although the word and letter count, Self-Reference, ring compositions and argument driven structures are by themselves objective in nature, however, in order to formally cross over into the objective domain we need numbers.
The biggest argument for math is God's challenge of the impossibility of replicating even a single chapter of the Quran. Let us keep in mind the fact that the shortest chapter of the Quran consists of three short verses that barely cover a single line. But what a line. More on that later. I think God will not throw down a gauntlet of this magnitude and leave it to mere mortals to bicker over whether Quran's eloquence was matched or not, and, in addition, restricted to experts of one single language while the message and the challenge are both Universal.
What I am trying to get to with this long rant is that we need to drag the argument to the present. One may be able to make a case for the literary brilliance angle at some point in the past but we now live in the world of sophisticated cryptography, secure communication protocols, blockchain technologies that make transactions computationally impractical to reverse. We are on the verge of an AI revolution that will be able to produce works of literature and art that will dwarf everything ever produced by man.
Those involved in this research, are confident that Quran will come up roses when exposed to these modern revolutions in knowledge.
It is a pity, that in this digital age, Muslims have been cowed down into a position where mentioning the Quranic numbers has become a heresy. The questions, in fact, should not end there. Why is it that after 1,400 years of constant study we have not been able to solve the mystery of the following verses. Yes, there are a number of speculative "explanations" but nothing that can live up to the test of time. Here are the verses (literal translations):
"And We have certainly given you, seven of the often repeated and the great Quran. Quran 15:87
And We constructed over you seven strong, Quran 78:12
"And [by] the even and the odd" Quran 89:03
"Over it (is) nineteen" Quran 74:30
These four verses reference quantitative values and nothing else. Forget the Huruf-e-Muqatta'at (abbreviated letters or letter symbols). The conventional interpretation has even failed to get to the bottom of the above linguistically sound and grammatically correct verses. The irony is lost on the naysayers when asked to explain for instance Quran 15:87. Their usual response is that it refers to the opening chapter of the Quran. When pressed how that is, they shoot back by saying it matches the number of verses in the opening chapter. When asked; how do you know? They say, ‘I counted them’. To be fair it also points to one of the many layers discovered in the first chapter, but it doesn’t stop there.
Elsewhere in the Quran, whenever numbers are mentioned in verses by themselves, the context is at least implied within the respective verses and then clarified in either a preceding verse or a subsequent verse. Please go here for some more details. The premise I am trying to establish here is that they are not some random patterns, but God referenced them in a way that would make sense to different people in different times and space.
“A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.”
~~~ Heraclitus of Ephesus
The other important aspect of the phenomenon is that since Quran is such a target rich environment from the data points perspective, sometimes people want it to bend to their preconceived notions. Thisresults in a lot of secondary patterns that may not live up to the kind of intense scrutiny the primary patterns are able to absorb. If one were to assign colors to the various elements in the Quran, you are going to see rainbows. Same goes for "Gematrical Values", used extensively and needlessly by some. But if you fancy an interesting study based on it then go here. Another interesting take is by Eng. Adnan El Rafae (I don’t have a better link yet) who assigned each letter of the alphabet a numeric value based on its number of occurrence in the Quran, and the results are not any less spectacular than rainbows.
So how about that one liner. The shortest chapter in the Quran is chapter No. 108, which consists of three short verses. Here is the total text of the chapter:
“إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَرُ”
The unique thing about this chapter is that it introduces 10 based patterns in a very direct way. To start with, the chapter consists of 10 words. Each verse in turn is written using just ten letters of the alphabet, some repeating. The first letter of the chapter Alif is repeated ten times in the chapter. Furthermore, there are ten unique letters that appear only once in the chapter, each second word of the verse ends with the letter Kaf (K), each verse ends with the letter Ray(R). Ray happens to be the tenth letter of the Arabic alphabet. When we add all the positions where the tenth letter Ray of the alphabet occurs, the result is 108, the chapter number of chapter Rahman. Not only that, but when we repeat the same exercise with the 6 letters that are recurring across the three verses, the sum once again is 108. And several other combinations. The symmetry , so far discovered, of a dozen different variables in one short line overlaps not only into the structure of the Arabic Alphabet but other chapters of the Quran. For a video demo please go here. (Please ignore the references to the Hadith literature because of verification issues).
Here is an illustration showing part of the full range of the symmetry:
10 based pattern Fig
Moving on, below is one of my humble contributions, where the two major patterns, 19 based and 7 based overlap:
The example below is a continuation of the initial work done by Kaheel and is based on 19, the number of letters in the opening verse of the Quran. The number is a monstrous 114 digits long. The opening verse of the Quran is repeated 114 times in the Quran, the number is a multiple of 19. Traditionally 113 times as the opening verse of each chapter, the only exception being chapter xx. Once it is found within the body of a chapter, xxx, in addition to the opening verse, to make up the difference.
An interesting fun fact about the opening verses: The lips of the reciter (In Arabic) of the verses touch exactly 19 times during its recitation of the first chapter. Try it. When you compare that to the fact that in English, when counting from zero to a million, the lips touch for the first time on the last number.
Getting back to the number below,
  1. Number of letters the example below is based on is 19
  2. The length of the number below is a monstrous 114 digits long
  3. The opening verse itself is repeated 114 times in the Quran which is a multiple of 19
  4. The number below itself is divisible by 7
  5. The reverse of this number is also divisible by 7, what are the odds on just this alone
  6. The number mirrors the occurrences of Bismillah (Opening verse) in the Quran chapter by chapter. 1 denotes one time, 2 denotes twice and 0 none.
  7. Each natural number (1,3,5,7,8) in the quotient is repeated 19 times each exactly, that is mind blowing
  8. And if there are still undecided, here is something that brings it all home. The number 15873 is staring at us in the quotient multiple times appropriately separated with a zero, please verify for yourself, in the 15th Chapter, verse number eighty-seven, the third word is none other than seven (سَبْعًا).
When reading from left to right, we have
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111211111111111111111011111111 = 15873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015887301587301587301573015873 x 7
When reading from right to left, we have:
111111110111111111111111112111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 = 15873015730158730158730158873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873015873 x 7
And it’s all about Seven, the often repeating. Quran 15:87 with 19 thrown in as well, confirming two of the major numerical indicators so far discovered that have no other apparent meaning in the context of their respective verses. And even the sum and multiples of the number of the chapter and verse are perfectly in sync and 15:87 renders to 1+5+8+7=21=7+7+7=7 x 3 and 1x5x8x7=280/7=40.
By the way, the number of words in the verse in question are 7 and 7 is also the first number mentioned in the Quran.
I will bring this up a few times. We must realize we haven't even scratched the surface.
Abduldaem Al-Kaheel pointed out that even in the very verse where the gauntlet is thrown to both Humans and Jinns to produce a Quran- like work, the signature is there:
““Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.” Isra’: 17:88
The number of words used in the above verse is 19 and the number of the letters of the above verse is 76, a multiple of number 19 i.e. 19 × 4= 76 and the letters of which this verse is written in Arabic are qaf, lam, ya, alef, gem, ta, mem, e’in, non, sin, waw, tha, ha, za, ra, kaf, ba, da, tha, and they are exactly 19 letters. The question is what's the relationship between these numbers and the holy Qur’an?
Amazingly, the total of these numbers is 19+ 19 +76 =114 and the number of the chapters, surahs, of the holy Qur’an is exactly 114.”
One can go on all day, but the point is that these layered occurrences make the whole Quran fantastically complex.
If you think it is a coincidence, here are the formulas for probability, please have a go.
P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A∩B) and P(A∩B) = P(A) ⋅ P(B)
A few more examples. Here is what is typical of the Quran's text, also discovered by Al-Kaheel. The following example also dispel the notion that any verses were added to the Quran.
There are exactly 77 chapters between the first chapter where the occurrence of the number 7 is to be found the first time and the last chapter where the last occurrence of number 7 is to be found. That is not all. When we count the number of verses between the first occurrence of the number 7 and the last occurrence of the number 7, we find that there are precisely 5649 verses between them. This number is a multiple of 7, (807x7) of course. From chapter to verse, but it does not stop there. From another angle, the number of verses from the beginning of the chapter, where the first occurrence of 7 is recorded, is exactly 28 (7x4). Even when we bore down to the number of words, 406 (7x58) it follows the same pattern.
Similarly, the sum total of all the verses in the Quran, Sum (1:6236) =19,446,966, is also is a multiple of 7. 19446966/7= 2,778,138
Not only that, but when the opening verse (repeated 112 times) is added to the total, it too is divisible by seven, Sum (1:6348) 20151726/7= 2878818
... Continued in Part III of III
submitted by Davidgogo to Quran_focused_Islam [link] [comments]

Pulwama - From Bluster to a Whimper

Immediately after the Pulwama suicide attack on 14 February 2019, in which a young Kashmiri lad blew himself up killing 40 Indian para-military troops, a cacophony of accusations were hurled against Pakistan. In a purported phone call, the caller claiming to be a representative of the Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM) – an internationally proscribed terrorist organisation – was said to have owned up the bombing. Calls for revenge grew by the hour, and it was not long before the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi allegedly discovered incriminating links and vowed to teach Pakistan a lesson. It seemed that Modi saw punitive action against Pakistan as a key to a landslide victory in the upcoming elections and was, thus, completely blinded to the dangers of escalation of hostilities between the two nuclear-armed neighbours. In all likelihood, Modi also believed – or was made to believe – that Pakistan did not have the gumption to take on the might and stamina of the Indian military, seemingly buttressed by its madcap media and the rightist supporters. The Indian repression in Kashmir has seen no let up for over seven decades, with the last ten years having been particularly bloody. Thousands of killings, mass arrests, rapes, kidnappings, use of pellet guns to blind and maim protesters, and gross human rights violations have been the Indian government’s despicable methods to respond to the Kashmiris’ right of self-determination. That the right has been enshrined in numerous UN resolutions cuts no ice with an intransigent India. It was in the backdrop of these circumstances that 20-year old Adil Ahmed Dar, who had been humiliated, tortured and illegally detained, decided to take law into his own hands and square off with the so-called law enforcers. Driving a car packed with about 80-100 kilos of explosives, Dar rammed a bus laden with policemen of the Central Reserve Police Force, killing 40 of them. A phone call was opportunely received by Indian intelligence agencies soon after, claiming that JeM had carried out the bombing. The Indian media stirred up a storm in no time, and every Indian bayed for Pakistani blood. Hints of an imminent ‘surgical strike,’ by India – fake and farcical though the previous one in 2016 had been – began to make the rounds. The die had been cast, and there was no going back. India failed to provide evidence of Dar’s contacts with anyone in Pakistan, either by way of tapped phone calls, physical contact with any Pakistani agents, or material found on his person or from his home indicating any complicity. All that was known about Dar was that he was a home-grown Kashmiri youngster with no outside contacts whatsoever, and that he had been radicalised by the spate of brutalities by the Indian law enforcing agencies. Acting as the judge, jury and executioner, and pandering to the frenzy created by the irresponsible media, Modi declared that Dar had been trained and supported by Pakistani agents. Retribution was, thus, the only option to deter any more ‘mischief’ by Pakistan, Modi blustered. It was made clear that India would decide the time and place to administer exemplary punishment to Pakistan.
At 0130 hours (all times PST), on the morning of 26 February, a flight of six IAF Mirage 2000 configured for strike, along with another six of the same type acting as back-up, took-off from their home station at Gwalior. Escorted en route by four Su-30MKI with each strike package, the sizeable formation sneaked in from a south-easterly direction for a stand-off attack on a seminary at Jabba village near Balakot town, close to the international border. The Mirage 2000s, which had taken-off from quite a distance, were supported by an Il-78 in-flight refuelling tanker. Two ERJ 145 ‘Netra’ Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEWCS) provided surveillance support to the strike package. At about 0245 hours, six Mirages carrying one 900 kg Israeli-origin Spice 2000 bomb each, lobbed them in the autonomous GPS-assisted delivery mode, and broke off immediately. With the bombs’ stand-off range of over 60 km, there was no need to cross into Pakistani territory, as safety of their aircraft was of greater concern, than any qualms about international censure for violating Pakistan’s airspace. In the event, the aircraft did ingress about 10 km into Azad Kashmir, ostensibly to drive home a point that India did not consider it as disputed territory. Traversing about 40 km, five bombs fell in a forested area, a few hundred meters from the intended target, and decimated nothing more than a few pine trees.[1] It was propitious that the bombs did not hit the seminary, as it housed a boarding facility for over 200 students aged 8-15 years. The seminary is one of thousands of similar facilities in the country where young children memorise the Holy Quran, a not uncommon practice amongst the faithful.
📷 F-16 and JF-17 fighters on patrol were promptly directed to intercept the intruders, but were restrained by the prevalent rules of engagement from crossing over into enemy territory. Mercifully, there was no loss of lives or property at Balakot as the IAF mission had failed completely. There have been speculations about the cause of the failure, but the most plausible one was proffered by three members of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) viz, Marcus Hellyer, Nathan Ruser and Aakriti Bachhawat. The trio posited that there was a mismatch between the target elevation sensed by the GPS and the orthometric elevation (above mean sea level) as given on aeronautical charts. High resolution satellite images of the bomb impact craters provided by European Space Imaging clearly show that all the bombs missed their targets by similar distances, and in the same direction, indicating a mission planning miscalculation. Apparently the orthometric elevation was in error (less than actual), causing all the bombs to overshoot. PAF’s former Gp Capt Parvez Mahmood, who has extensive experience of interpreting satellite imagery, is of the opinion that, “determining a precise 3D point on Earth requires satisfying a lot of variables, so errors similar to the one in the Balakot strike are not unusual.” The option of delivering the bombs in the electro-optically guided mode was not possible due to complete cloud cover and heavy rain in the area for several days. In any case, it was a riskier option as the bombs had to be guided through data link all the way till impact, and would have entailed IAF aircraft getting into the lethal range of Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles of PAF’s interceptors. Immediately after the failed Indian strike, Pakistanis clamoured for revenge as expected, and Prime Minister Imran Khan duly promised it. The dilemma of escalation weighed heavily on the political and military leadership, and there was consensus that the response had to be as measured and controlled as was possible. Even the number of bombs planned for delivery were to be in equal measure. The PAF was well-prepared for a whole range of targeting options, and it settled for a stand-off attack similar to the IAF’s, with the important difference that it would be against military targets in the Poonch-Rajauri-Naushera Sector in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK). The IAF stood guard on the night of 26 February when the PAF’s riposte was expected. Extensive Combat Air Patrols (CAP) were flown by the IAF, with surveillance support from ground radars, as well AEWCS. When the PAF did not show up till sunrise of 27 February, the IAF eased off from its highest alert state, and waited for the following night. A pair each of Su-30MKI and Mirage 2000I[2] were patrolling in IHK area. PAF’s deception worked splendidly when its strike package of four Mirage 5PA/IIIDP of No 15 Squadron and two JF-17 of No 16 Squadron, duly supported by a big swarm of escorts and patrolling fighters[3] (a mix of F-16A/B and JF-17), cluttered the scopes of IAF’s ground radars at 0920 hours. Working at the rear of the fighter package were PAF’s SAAB Erieye AEWCS aircraft, and the DA-20 Falcon in which electronic warfare wizards sat ready with their arcane tricks. 📷📷
Two vintage – but still quite capable – Mirage 5PA, each armed with one H-4 stand-off bomb[4], along with two JF-17, each armed with two Mk-83 Range Extension Kit (REK) bombs[5], headed towards their respective targets in southern-western IHK. It was a bright and clear morning, with excellent visibility. Each Mirage 5PA was followed by its control aircraft, a Mirage IIID, which was to steer the H-4 after launch through data link, while the JF-17s’ Mk-83 REK were to be launched in the autonomous ‘fire and forget’ mode. With the H-4 having a range of over 120 km, and the Mk-83 REK having at least half of that, the bombs offered safety to the launch aircraft as these could be delivered from well inside own territory, and the aircraft could then break off. The Mirage IIID control aircraft, however, had to continue flying towards the target, refining the H-4 bomb’s flight path till impact. The bomb can be steered with great accuracy, as the high resolution image of the target seen by the bomb’s seeker head is constantly relayed to the control aircraft. Since the purpose of the mission was essentially to demonstrate that Pakistan had the resolve, as well as the capability of responding in kind, it was decided that there was no compelling need to pick the front door of a brigade commander’s office, or the air shafts of soldiers’ bunkers. General area bombing of open spaces in military garrisons near the Line of Control (LOC) in IHK was, therefore, agreed upon.[6] It was expected that this ‘abundance of restraint’ would prevent mass carnage in the Indian military garrisons, which could otherwise lead to a chain of escalatory actions, and spiral into a very dangerous all-out war under a nuclear overhang. When the PAF struck the garrisons within 36 hours of IAF’s abortive air strike at Balakot, it came like a ‘shot across the bow’ and had the desired sobering effect on the Indian military commanders.[7] General Bipin Rawat, the Indian Chief of Army Staff, was forced to take a pause from his regular harangue about sorting out Pakistan. Unsurprisingly, he has not uttered any more threats to Pakistan, ever since. 📷 PAF’s approaching strike force had, meanwhile, rung frantic alarms on the Indian air defence radars, and patrolling fighters were directed to intercept them. Struggling to sift through the degraded communications environment, IAF fighters were unable to understand the instructions of their air defence controllers. An F-16 pair led by Sqn Ldr Hasan Siddiqui of the elite Combat Commanders’ School, was vectored towards two approaching IAF fighters. The very long range at which the adversary aircraft appeared on the F-16 radar scopes suggested that these were big targets, most likely Su-30MKI. After sampling the target data and confirming valid firing parameters, Hasan let go an AIM-120C-5 (AMRAAM).[8] Missile flight data fed back to the F-16 fire control computer in real-time, seemed to indicate that the missile had made its mark. Hasan promptly announced ‘Fox Three,’ the brevity code for an active radar-guided missile hit. Though hard evidence by way of aircraft wreckage or aircrew casualties has not been available so far, the ground and airborne radar traces do indicate that the blip vanished from the screens after a couple of tight orbits by the aircraft. Whether the Su-30 had met a violent end, or the damaged aircraft spiralled down to make an emergency landing at nearby Srinagar, remains moot. Debris of the AIM-120C missile was later picked up and displayed on Indian television in a ludicrous tri-services press conference, as the IAF brass unsportingly complained about PAF using F-16s in what was actually a telling response to its own aggression. Soon after the shoot-out, all hell broke loose in the Indian camp, as revealed by radar and VHF radio monitoring. In the ensuing confusion, the Terminal Air Defence Unit at Srinagar Air Force Station reported a slow speed radar contact heading towards it. As leaked reports suggest, the contact was taken for a hostile Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, and the Chief Operations Officer ordered it to be shot down. An Israeli-origin Spyder surface-to-air missile was launched, but its target turned out to be an IAF Mi-17 V-5 helicopter belonging to the Srinagar-based No 154 Helicopter Unit. The helicopter crashed near Budgam, and six aircrew, along with a civilian on the ground, lost their lives in a case of morale-shattering fratricide. Meanwhile, higher in the skies, the sole Su-30 remaining in the area flew helter-skelter, something quite baffling, considering that these are multi-crew fighters endowed with very powerful radars, and were armed to the teeth with a dozen air-to-air missiles each. The Su-30 abruptly called ‘Bingo’(low on fuel) and exited the area at high speed after only 25 minutes of flight, despite having an endurance of at least two hours while on routine air patrols. Possibly overwhelmed by the pugnacious PAF fighters milling around, the leader of the Mirage 2000 formation on patrol also called out that his airborne intercept radar, along with that of his wingman, had gone bust. It is noteworthy that the PAF F-16s had picked up tell-tale lock-on ‘chirps’ of the apparently serviceable Mirage 2000 radar on their threat warning systems, a short while earlier. In the desperate situation that was developing, an IAF radar controller was heard calling out to the leader, “Confirm you can employ your missiles without the radars?” On hearing a reply in the negative, the controller pulled back the Mirage patrol well out of the active zone, and ordered ground scrambles to tackle a full squadron strength of menacing PAF fighters. 📷 Five MiG-21 Bison of No 51 Squadron were, meanwhile, scrambled successively from Srinagar to boost up IAF’s diminishing presence in the air. Fourth in the scramble sequence, Wg Cdr Abhinandan ‘Nandu’ Varthaman, was vectored towards a patrolling pair of PAF fighters. However, before he could get his bearings right, Abhinandan’s MiG-21 was hit by an AIM-120C missile launched from an F-16 flown by Wg Cdr Nauman Ali Khan, the Officer Commanding of No 29 ‘Aggressor’ Squadron. Radio monitoring revealed that he was being frantically warned by his ground control about the danger he was getting into. “Nandu, Flow cold; Nandu, if you hear me, Flow cold,” is how a desperate female controller called the unresponsive pilot in high-pitched screams.[9] Fully conscious, but half-deaf by then, Abhinandan soon ran into trouble. He was lucky to have come down by parachute near Sandar village in Bhimber District, about five km from the LOC inside Azad Kashmir. Not unexpectedly, he got an unsavoury welcome at the hands of locals who had mobbed him. Later, during his brief confinement, Abhinandan stated that while he was looking for the target on the radar display, his aircraft was hit, and he managed to eject just as it went out of control.[10] It has to be noted that at no stage did Abhinandan claim shooting down an F-16, something deceitfully attributed to him after his repatriation by none other than the Indian Defence Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman. The false claim has been repeated ad nauseam by the IAF, and parroted by the Indian media in a furtive effort to redeem some respectability, after a disastrous showing by the world’s fourth largest air force. All four of the unfired missiles were recovered from the MiG-21 wreckage, and displayed to the media by the Pakistan’s Inter Services Public Relations, exposing Sitharaman’s brazen claim.[11]
📷 Abhinandan’s effusive compliments to the Pakistan Army about being ‘a very professional service’ – as well as praise for the delicious tea served to him at a custodial facility, which he slurped with relish – earned him enough ‘brownie’ points in Pakistan. His countrymen, however, were evidently not amused by his capers. Abhinandan was discourteously seen off by the Islamabad-based Indian Air Advisor at the border crossing point of Wagah, and in a frosty reception, was not even saluted by the Indian guards as he set foot in his country. It is not too far-fetched to imagine that on return from captivity, Abhinandan was presented with a fait accompli: claim downing an F-16, or face disciplinary action for ‘unpatriotically fraternising with the enemy.’ If such was indeed the case, it is possible that a straight-talking Abhinandan may be averse to towing the official line, and explains why the ‘hero’ continues to be hidden from the media and the public on grounds of ‘security.’ 📷 According to a report by senior staff writer Lara Seligman of the prominent US Foreign Policymagazine (4 April 2019), “a US count of the F-16s with Pakistan found that all the fighter planes were present and accounted for, and none of them were missing.” The report clearly contradicts India’s claim that the IAF had shot down a PAF F-16. Seligman writes that, “the count, conducted by U.S. authorities on the ground in Pakistan, sheds doubt on New Delhi’s version of events, suggesting that Indian authorities may have misled the international community about what happened that day.” In the same report, Vipin Narang, an Indian-origin US associate professor of political science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a member of the MIT Security Studies Program states, “As details come out, it looks worse and worse for the Indians. It looks increasingly like India failed to impose significant costs on Pakistan, but lost a plane and a helicopter of its own in the process.” That the US has completely disregarded the frivolous Indian complaints also reinforces the Pakistani contention that the F-16s were used legitimately for self-defence. Soon after the Indian protest, the US State Department’s deputy spokesman Robert Palladino shrugged it off by curtly stating that, “as a matter of policy, we don’t publicly comment on the contents of bilateral agreements involving US defence technologies.” Later on 28 April, The Indian Express quoted a US official as saying, “Soon after we were informed by the Indian side about Pakistan using F-16 aircraft on February 27, we informed the Indians that we will not be sharing any information on the subject as it is a bilateral matter between US and Pakistan.” The apparent US indifference to the Indian complaint can also be seen as a clever marketing ploy for US military hardware, which had yet again demonstrated its cutting edge. Rather than complain about PAF using F-16s in combat, the IAF needs some stern introspection about its questionable performance. Having the initiative, as well as some of the world’s best fighters like the Su-30MKI and Mirage 2000I in its inventory, it failed to deliver in a situation where it could have done what the plucky PAF actually did. The fig leaf of ‘technical asymmetry’ is now being shoddily used to cover up IAF’s embarrassing dysfunction at the operational and tactical levels. What the IAF needs to reflect on is the hard fact the PAF is well-trained, very vigilant, and endowed with a strong fighting spirit. If any doubts still persist, the IAF would do well to undertake a second reading of PAF’s combat history. With zilch to show for, the proper course of action for Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa, the IAF air chief, would have been to step down. Instead, he has deplorably leagued up with the discomfited BJP government and the Bollywood-inured media, which continue to churn out nothing but lies and fanciful claims. It would indeed be a travesty if the IAF air chief gets dignified with the prestigious Sarvottam Yudh Seva medal, for ‘distinguished service of most exceptional order during war, conflict or hostilities.’
📷 It is of great concern that Modi’s military advisors, particularly the Air Staff, were unmindful of the fact that grave risk of escalation is inherent in the cavalier use of air power, whose most significant attribute is its vast offensive capability. In the aerial encounter of 27 February, there was a high probability of several more IAF aircraft being shot down, given PAF’s definite edge in BVR air combat. The conflict was, thus, clearly fraught with the likelihood of tit-for-tat intensification to a point of no return. That the two nuclear powers were on the brink of a terrible catastrophe is something which needs serious reflection, especially for the initiator of the conflict – in this case Mr Modi, who seemed to have coolly run an election campaign on the wings of the IAF. Tailpiece: The Indian Prime Minister’s whimper (quoted in India Today, 3 March 2019) that, “if we had the Rafale, things would have been different,” begs a question: “Why did you step in the ring if you weren’t prepared, Modi jee?” Clearly, the Indian Prime Minister miscalculated Pakistan’s resolve and ability to pay back promptly, and in kind.
Author is a former PAF fighter pilot
submitted by Reichmarschall to pakistan [link] [comments]

About Islam

Chinese 中文 (chinese) PDF

About Islam - 关于伊斯兰教

Islam is a natural and complete way of life. It encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with their Creator (God). It teaches that people find true lasting happiness and peace through being close to God, following His guidance and performing good deeds.
Muslims constitute approximately one fifth of the world's population, making Islam one of the largest religions. Belief in and worship of the One True God is the purpose of life and cornerstone of Islam.
The Arabic word "Islam" literally means "submission" to the One True God alone. One who voluntarily surrenders their will to God is called a Muslim, who can be from any racial or ethnic background. A distinguishing feature of Islam, unlike many other religions, is that it is not named after a person or tribe.

The 6 Aspects (Articles) of Belief

1. Belief in Allah

"Allah" is the unique Arabic name of The One True God. Allah has no rivals, partners, equals, children or parents. He is not like His creation, as nothing shares His divine essence and perfect attributes. Some of His names and attributes include: The Creator, The Most Merciful, The Most High, The All-Powerful, The Most Just, The All-Wise, The Sustainer and The All-Knowing.
He is the Creator and Sustainer of all, the One who has granted us countless blessings, such as our faculties of hearing, seeing and thinking, as well as the ability to walk, talk and be productive. As such, we should acknowledge, thank and worship Him alone by following His guidance.
It is rational to conclude that such a complex and balanced universe is not possible by any other than a powerful and intelligent being. It is therefore illogical to believe that the universe created itself, or was the result of random or coincidental events.

2. Belief in the Angels

Angels are made from light, have allocated tasks and never disobey their Creator. Details about a few have been revealed, such as Gabriel, who delivers God's message to the Prophets, and the Angel of Death, who takes the souls of people.

3. Belief in the Revealed Books

Allah sent divine revelation to His Messengers as a guidance and mercy to mankind. These include the Torah and Gospel as originally revealed to Moses and Jesus respectively, and the Quran as revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
The Quran is the literal word of God and the final revelation to all of mankind. There are many clear signs and miracles that it is from God, examples of which include:
The most rational explanation for the many unique and miraculous aspects of the Quran is that it can only be from God. Together with the authentic sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), it is the primary source of Islamic knowledge.

4. Belief in the Prophets

Muslims believe that thousands of Prophets were sent by Allah, at least one to every nation, to convey God's revelation. These Prophets include Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Joseph, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). Their mission was to return people to the worship of the One True God, to serve as practical examples of how to obey God, and to guide people to the path of salvation. Prophets do not share in any part of God's divinity, and any type of prayer or worship towards the Prophets, or to God through them, is strictly forbidden and considered a violation of God's right to be worshipped alone.
- Prophet Jesus
Muslims believe that Jesus is an honourable prophet of God, born miraculously through his virgin mother Mary. He performed many miracles with the permission of God, such as healing the sick, curing the blind and speaking as a newborn defending his mother from accusations. Although Muslims respect and love Jesus, they do not worship him. He is not considered the son of God, nor part of a trinity, nor does he share in any of God's perfect attributes. God says:**"It is not befitting for Allah to take a son; exalted is He! When he decrees an affair, He only says, ‘Be' and it is."**Quran 19:35
- Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the final Prophet sent to all of mankind. He came with the Quran to demonstrate how its teachings should be applied, and was a perfect example of an honest, just, merciful, compassionate, truthful and brave human being. As with Jesus, Muslims do not worship Muhammad.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgement

The Day of Judgment is the inevitable event when each one of us will stand before our Creator and be questioned about our good and bad deeds. Every one of our actions will be accounted for, regardless of size.
On this momentous Day, Allah, the All-Just, will settle all matters fairly and no person will be wronged. Everyone's rights will be returned. All will be treated justly, by either the reward of Paradise, or the punishment of the Hellfire. Without a Day of Judgement, life would be grossly unfair, as not everyone receives justice in this world.

6. Belief in Divine Destiny

Allah knows everything from the past, the present, and anything that will occur in the future. He has power over all things - nothing occurs without His knowledge and permission.
Every person has been given the free will to choose between right and wrong, and will be held to account accordingly
Free will does not contradict the fact that events can only occur with God's knowledge and permission. Nor does it mean that God's power over everything prevents or restricts people's free will. God's knowledge of people's decisions does not mean that they are being forced to make such decisions, and God is not necessarily pleased with everything that He allows to occur.

The 5 Pillars of Worship

The foundation of a Muslim's life.

1. The Declaration of Faith

The declaration of faith is bearing witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger. It must be based on a sincere and firm belief in the heart, followed by action. With this declaration, a person rejects all false deities, asserts that Allah is the only One worthy of worship, and accepts His final Messenger, hence becoming a Muslim.

2. The Five Daily Prayers

Prayer establishes a personal and spiritual connection between the Muslim and their Creator, and is a constant and practical reminder of a person's duty to obey God. The five prayers are prescribed once each at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and nightfall. Each prayer can take a few minutes to perform, consisting of recitation of the Quran, supplications, praising Allah, and various movements. In preparation for prayer, Muslims wash certain parts of their body, such as the face and hands, to ensure spiritual and physical purity.

3. The Annual Charity

The annual charity is an obligation on every Muslim who meets certain criteria (e.g. has wealth above a certain threshold). A mere 2.5% of one's annual wealth is donated to those who are eligible, such as the poor, the needy or those in debt. It purifies one's wealth and carries many benefits for both the giver and the receiver. One benefit is it reduces the gap between the rich and poor, ensuring everyone has their basic needs met.

4. The Annual Fasting

Every year during the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations. It serves as a spiritual purification, nurtures patience and self-restraint, and provides many health benefits.

5. The Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah, in Saudi Arabia, must be performed once in a person's life, if they are physically and financially able. It occurs annually in the 12th month of the Islamic calendar, unifying people of every colour, race, status and age, as they join in worship of the One True God. All pilgrims wear simple and similar clothing, which strip away distinctions of class and culture, so that all stand equal before God. This great journey consists of many components, including sacrifices, travelling and praying at various sites. Such an experience is life altering and humbles a person, making them more patient and thankful.

The Concept of Worship

Any action that Allah is pleased with.
Islam's concept of worship is not restricted to only the five pillars. Worship is an all-inclusive term for any actions that are pleasing to Allah. Everyday activities can become acts of worship by purifying one's intention and ensuring one's actions are in line with God's guidelines. Examples include smiling, being good to one's neighbours, supporting one's family, being honest, and even removing rubbish from the road.
It should be noted that Allah is not in need of anyone's worship, rather, we are in need of Him and our worship is for our benefit.


The above-mentioned aspects of faith and acts of worship make up the essence of Islam. When practised, Islam fulfils the spiritual, physical, psychological and social needs of all people, and is a practical and rational way of life. Furthermore, it is the only way of life which is accepted by God Almighty, and the only path that leads to everlasting Paradise.**"Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do."**Quran 16:97
submitted by SIR_LIKES to CHINESEMUSLIMS [link] [comments]

Some new you may have missed part 14.

The early days, when I began posting random links to good news
A continuation, when my compilations got longer
Part 1 of this series
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
-Asia Bibi freed by supreme court
You definitely didn't miss this.
Here is the official verdict
I would like to personally thank Justice Asif Saeed Khosa on behalf of the Christian community.
First the Panama case, now this? #KhosaForCJ.
Then of course, TLP Crowd start mass protests in cities.
So the PM went on television to address them:
" Today I am in front of you because of this Supreme Court verdict, and the dissent that came its way from a small faction. The kind of language they used against the state. Pakistan is that only country in the world that was made in the name of Islam. No laws of this country can go against the Quran or against the Sunnah, and the judgement today was in light of that. To declare judges Wajib ul Qatal, to call the army chief a non Muslim, to tell the troops to rebel against the army, what kind of anti state behaviour is this? It is a part of my faith that till we are not made on the lines of an Islamic welfare state, the country has no future. Our faith is not complete till we are not fully devoted to our Prophet (PBUH). We have taken steps against the insult of our most esteemed leader that no other government ever took. We took up the issue of the caricatures with the Dutch government and made them reverse the contest. We took up the issue of insult to our religion at the United Nations. Following this the European Council for the first time ruled that any insult of our Prophet (PBUH) can not be done in the name of freedom of speech. So we don’t just talk the talk, we actually take action. Then you have people inciting violence against our judges, against our army. At a time when the country is mired in an economic quagmire, they are causing unrest and asking for violence. We are trying to lift our poor out of difficulties, bring investment in the country and they are trying to disrupt the nation because a verdict is not in line with what they want? I want to appeal to nation & the common man to not let them incite this kind of violence; they are doing a disservice to the nation by talking the language of the enemies of Pakistan by trying to incite murder of judges and a rebellion against the army. I appeal to the people to not give in to them because they are simply trying to increase their own vote bank. To the faction making these threats, I am telling you do not take the state on. It is our duty to protect property, to keep roads open and to keep people safe. The state will then exercise its power if you so as much even decide to incite any kind of violence at a time when the whole country is trying to rise together. Don’t force us into taking action. I also appeal to this small faction; do not threaten the state. It is our duty to protect he lives and property of our people. And we will deal with any threat or violence with the necessary measures. "
-Pakistan, Afghanistan abolish visa conditions for border tribes
Pakistan and Afghanistan have abolished condition of Visa for native tribes of Pak-Afghan border. The local tribes have been given exemption from law only under interment rights.
Native tribes and traders have welcomed this act of security authorities.
-SME Bank, Balloki and Haveli Bahadur power plant to be privatized
Finance Minister Asad Umar chaired meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Privatization (CCOP) here Tuesday.
The Secretary Privatization Commission made a detailed presentation to the committee on the privatization program pursued by the government over the last two decades.The committee discussed the objectives and rationale of the privatization program. The committee gave the go-ahead to Privatization Division to undertake the process for privatization of newly established 1233 MW Balloki Power Plant and the 1230 MW Haveli Bahadur Power Plant.
The CCOP also approved the proposal for privatization of the following entities: (i) SME Bank Ltd (ii) First Women Bank Ltd (iii) Jinnah Convention Centre, Islamabad (iv) Lakhra Coal Mines (now Lakhra Coal Development Company) (v) Services International Hotel, Lahore.
Similarly: FM okays privatisation of seven loss-making entities
Finance Minister Asad Umar on Wednesday chaired a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Privatisation (CCOP).
The Privatisation Commission secretary made a detailed presentation to the committee on the privatisation programme pursued by the government over the last two decades. The committee discussed the objectives and rationale of the programme. It was noted that only one entity was privatised during the last five years, apart from divestment of shares in a few already privatised entities. The committee gave a go-ahead to the Privatisation Division to undertake the process for privatisation of newly established 1,233MW Balloki Power Plant and the 1,230MW Haveli Bahadur Power Plant.
-PM Imran approves projects for conversation of 9 MAF water
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday gave go ahead to the Ministry of National Food Security & Research to develop three major projects for conservation of 9 million acre feet (MAF) water, ARY News reported.
Chairing a meeting on water conservation at PM Office, the PM approved three projects aimed at conserving water through lining of the watercourse across the country and laser leveling of the fields, enhancement of 6,00,00 acres of command area of small and mini dams and water conservation in Barani areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Similarly: PM Imran Khan gives directions to save 9 Million Acre Feet of water
-PITB projects being replicated by other countries
The smartphone applications developed by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) have significantly improved the public sector performance of Pakistan, as eight countries, including Nigeria, Albania, Romania, Mozambique, Afghanistan Ethiopia, Congo and Rwanda, were replicating the PITB applications, Pakistan Today learnt on Wednesday.
Two main projects of PITB were recognised in the World Bank report titled, ‘Improving Public Sector Performance through Innovation and Inter-Agency Coordination’. These projects stood out among the 15 projects from other countries mentioned in the report. In an exclusive interview with Pakistan Today, PITB Chairman Dr Umar Saif said that he addressed the World Bank Conference in Washington DC to give an overview of Pakistan’s IT credentials, adding that the inclusion of two projects developed by PITB, Citizen Feedback Monitoring Programme and e-Vaccs smartphone application, was a matter of pride and honour for Pakistan. Board Chairman Umar Saif envisions making Pakistan world famous in the field of IT
-Zarif’s visit: Iran offers cooperation against abductors
Iran’s Foreign Minister Muhammad Javad Zarif has said that Pakistan has given him a firm assurance that all necessary steps will be taken to trace the abducted Iranian guards.
-Pakistan welcomes UK parliamentary group’s report on India-Occupied Kashmir
Pakistan on Wednesday welcomed the report of the United Kingdom Parliament’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir (APPKG) on the human rights situation in occupied Kashmir and its recommendations.
The report of the UK Parliament’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir (APPKG), on the human rights situation in Jammu and Kashmir, has detailed severe Indian human rights atrocities in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK).
-Belgian trade delegation to explore Pakistan from Nov 5-9
The Embassy of Belgium in Pakistan has announced that the arrival of a 24-member trade delegation to Pakistan. The delegation, led by Wallonia Export-Investment Agency Chief Executive Officer Mrs Pascale Delcomminette, would comprise of 19 leading Belgian companies from the Walloon and Flanders Regions of Belgium.
The trade delegation will visit Karachi on November 5 and 6 and Lahore on November 7 and 8. The delegation would include members of the Belgian companies dealing in varied sectors like steel, banking, baby food and chocolates, industrial ovens and furnaces, energy, LPG gas engineering, hospital equipment, telecommunications and information technology, broadcasting equipment, building materials, biotechnology, logistics etc.
-NADRA has issued 5 million forms for Naya Pakistan Housing Project
The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has issued over 5 million ‘Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme’ (NPHS) forms so far as a large number of people are taking keen interest in the housing project. According to a NADRA official, the process of NPHS forms submission was continuing simultaneously along with their issuance. Long queues of aspirants had been witnessed outside the NADRA offices for getting the forms since the day the project was launched. The rush had now subsided with the initiative of mobile van registration, which would accelerate the form submission process because of being in easy public access, he added.
-Islamabad seeks two-way industrial cooperation with Beijing under CPEC
As Prime Minister Imran Khan is going to China with a large delegation today (Thursday), Pakistan has reportedly demanded a two-way industrial cooperation from China along with cooperation in agricultural, fisheries and mining sectors.
Although the government failed to complete the required groundwork prior to the important visit of the prime minister to China, sources claimed that the Chinese ambassador in Pakistan has been informed that Islamabad wants a two-way industrial cooperation with Beijing. During a recent meeting, the Chinese ambassador was informed that China may consider setting up industries in Pakistan with an agreement that the manufacturing products would be imported by China. In order to convince the Chinese side, sources claimed, the Brazil –Argentina model was tabled as a successful case in the world.
-China, Pakistan attach great importance to PM Imran Khan's visit: Chinese foreign ministry
Both China and Pakistan attach great importance to Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit and Beijing believes the leaders of the two countries will have an in-depth discussion on issues of mutual interest, Chinese foreign ministry said.
To question Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said this is Pakistan's Prime Minister first official visit to China after he took office. "Both China and Pakistan attach great importance to this visit and we believe the leaders of the two countries will have an in-depth discussion on issues of mutual interest."
-Govt Incentive Package for Overseas Workers Likely to Fetch $22bn in Remittances in FY’19
The government’s incentive package to overseas workers is expected to more money from the expat Pakistanis and workers. Experts say the country is likely to receive remittances worth a record $22 billion in the financial year 2018-19. They say the much needed foreign currency sent from more than 8 million overseas Pakistanis are likely to post double-digit growth as compared to $19.62 billion received in 2017-18. The country received remittances worth $19.91 billion, an all-time high, in 2015-16.
-Pakistan Foreign Remittances likely to cross $22 billion
Experts say Pakistan is likely to receive remittances worth a record $22 billion in the financial year 2018-19.
-US dollar witnesses decline against Pakistani Rupee in interbank market
The value of US dollar declined by 13 paisa against Pakistani Rupee in interbank market and closed at Rs132.48 on Wednesday. Following the slip, dollar closed at around Rs132.48, while the dollar at open market remained unchanged at Rs132.
-foreign minister of Uzbekistan will visit pakistan tomorrow.
-UAE urged to explore Pakistan’s energy sector
Planning, Development and Reform Minister Makhdum Khusro Bakhtiar has invited the UAE to benefit from the energy sector of Pakistan, which offered huge investment potential, especially in petrochemicals and hydel energy generation. Talking to Ambassador of UAE Hamad Obaid Alzaabi in Islamabad, the minister mentioned that Pakistan and UAE enjoyed a history of cordial bilateral relations, emphasising the need to further broaden the scope of partnership.
-PTI govt making efforts to bring Dr Afia Siddiqui back to Pakistan, says Shireen Mazari
-For the first time in history, female police officer awarded "sword of honour" in Pakistan
For the first time in history, a lady police officer has been awarded the coveted Sword of Honour in Pakistan. ASP Faryal Farid has become the first lady police officer in the history to be awarded the “Sword of Honour”. The sword is awarded to the best officer at the conclusion of training at National Police Academy.
-PM Imran Khan takes an important decision for China visit
Prime Minister Imran Khan has intended to focus on acquisition of technology in upcoming visit of China. Describing China as the most important friend of Pakistan, he said aim of the upcoming visit to China would be on acquisition of technology so that the country could stand on its own feet and did not seek financial assistance from others.
ImportantL - Doing Business Report: Pakistan Improves Business Climate for Small and Medium Enterprises
Pakistan carried out three business reforms during the past year to help create jobs, attract investment and make the economy more competitive, says the World Bank Group’s Doing Business 2019: Training for Reform report, released today. This year, Pakistan advances 11 places to 136th place on the ease of doing business global ranking. On the measure of absolute progress towards best practice, Pakistan improved score to 55.31, from 52.78 last year.
During the past year, starting a business was made easier by enhancing the online one-stop registration system, replacing several forms for incorporation with a single application, and establishing information exchange between the registry and the tax authority. As a result, the time to start a business was reduced from 20 days to 17 days, while the cost was reduced from 7.9 percent of the income per capita to 6.8 percent.
Several improvements have also been made in the area of Registering Property. For instance, Lahore made registering property easier by streamlining and automating administrative procedures and by increasing the transparency of its land administration system. Karachi similarly made registering property easier by increasing the transparency of the land registry. The reforms resulted in reducing the time needed to register a property by 13 days. However, at 144 days, registering property in Pakistan can be made yet easier so that the country can surpass the South Asia regional average of 114 days.
The report also finds that Pakistan made Resolving Insolvency easier by enabling the continuation of the debtor’s business during insolvency proceedings. As a result, the country significantly improved its global ranking in this area to 53, from 82 last year.
Similarly - Pakistan jumps 11 places to 136th in WB ease of doing business index 2019
Pakistan has jumped 11 places to 136th on the World Bank’s ease of doing business global ranking 2019, according to a report released by the Washington-based lender on Wednesday.
-FBR collects Rs12.2bn in six months through alternate delivery channels
The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has recorded 14,904 transactions and received Rs12,240 million from taxpayers opting to use always-on alternate delivery channels, i.e. ATM, online banking, phone banking and contact centers, for payment of federal taxes, including income tax, sales tax, customs duty and federal excise duty.
The facility launched in March this year in collaboration with the State Bank of Pakistan and 1Link has afforded the taxpayers the comfort of paying their tax within a space of five minutes at any time during the week by using the alternate delivery channels.
-Nissan Motors and Ghandhara Nissan Partner for Producing Local Auto Parts
Ghandhara Nissan Limited has joined hands with Nissan Motors Japan to start the production of auto parts in Pakistan. This was announced by the company in a letter to Pakistan Stock Exchange informing that the company is going to collaborate with the Japanese automaker to localize the production of auto parts.
The letter explains that a team from Nissan Motors recently visited domestic suppliers to determine their quality and capacity. The team was here to determine if localized parts could be manufactured at par with the international standards upheld by the automotive company. Unfortunately, the letter adds that most of the suppliers failed to meet the standards and were advised to improve their quality. The letter further added that Nissan Motors has proposed to partner with a local supplier, that is Ghandhara Motors, to improve the quality and the capacity of auto parts.
-Pakistan and Iran vow to enhance defence and economic cooperation
Pakistan and Iran have underscored the need to promote bilateral relations in all areas including political, economic and defence cooperation. The understanding reached during a meeting between Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif in Islamabad today.
-Stock Market Closes 40 Points Up at 41649
Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) on Wednesday managed to close 40 points higher to settle at 41649 points level despite trade remain thin amid the unrest in the country.
Similarly -PSX manages to close in green despite countrywide protests
Despite taking several dips following the Supreme Court’s judgement, the Pakistan Stock Exchange managed to close the session on Wednesday in green with small gains. The Supreme Court had acquitted Aasia Bibi in a blasphemy case which led to protests across the country.
The PSX on its road to recovery gained 15 per cent from its 52-week low. Foreign investors ended as net buyers on Tuesday (with a net inflow of $1.44 million), a rare sight as they have been net sellers for each trading session this year.
-Pakistan Railways profit increases by Rs 1.36 billion
Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmed Wednesday informed the House in a written reply that Pakistan Railway has earned 1367.038 million more than previous years upto 20-10-2018. He said that installation of tracking system in trains is in final stages which will ensure strict monitoring of trains’ movement.
-Railways Generates Rs1763 Million by Leasing Out Lands in FY’17-18
Pakistan Railways has generated an amount of Rs1763.125 in revenue by leasing out the land of the department to private parties.This land was leased for both commercial and agricultural purposes, Minister for Railways Shaikh Rasheed Ahmed informed the National Assembly today.
-Jazz Launches Exclusive Health Service
Jazz has launched a brand new 24 hour doctor and hospital insurance package ‘BIMA Sehat’ for its prepaid subscribers. The service, in partnership with Alfalah Insurance, and BIMA Pakistan (previously MILVIK) offers customers access to a huge range of insurance and health benefits starting from PKR 1.28 per day.
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